To London, and Beyond!
Dear Faithful Followers, Readers, et. al.:
I will be on a BLOG hiatus to attend to several pressing matters in the heart of all that is sterile, Anglo-Saxon, and androgynous: London. I will of course be busy with the higher arts of civil society, namely chanting loudly for Allah to poke Jesus/America in the eye and making numerous grammatical errors in my speech that will cause all English people within earshot to deplore me from afar.
But, I will be a ‘reporter’ in the field, since bloggers (that’s me and 4 trillion other assholes) are now officially media-journalist types. A fine expose on silly chicklet teeth or on why Indian people smell so bad (as always) can be anticipated (and highly — since I know someone reads this blog).
In the meantime, enjoy our fine archives of over 800 posts or my thought provoking writing at Ablogistan, Publius Pundit, Sexy and Disgraceful, A Betting Man, and other sundry crap that I spew on the internet. Also, add me on Facebook:

And, think of this before you go to bed or make love to your blow up doll:

Sincerely yours,
Alexander P. Dupont
[…] Tasty good news Tasty good news from yours truly: I got into University of London School of Oriental & African Studies. I am off to London this week to visit, party, and learn a thing or two. I am on a week blog hiatus. […]
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