The Real Problem In Uganda

The Article: The Real Battle in Uganda by Jackee Budesta Batanda in Foreign Policy Magazine.

The Text: While the rest of the world jumps onto the Kony2012 bandwagon — wrongly assuming that the main problem in Uganda is the Lord’s Resistance Army — Ugandans are worrying about the much more urgent problem plaguing their country: nodding disease.

The cause of the disease is unknown. It affects thousands of children in Northern Uganda, causing symptoms similar to epilepsy, but with more severe mental and physical retardation. (The photo above shows 12-year-old Nancy Lamwaka, a victim of the disease.) Yet the Ugandan government has been notably slow to deal with the problem.

A lot has happened since I last blogged about the government’s strange priorities. As I noted at the time, the Ugandan president’s office requested additional funding for its own needs that amounted to nine times of what the Health Ministry had specified for its first response to the disease. The government’s failure to allocate resources to this threat raises serious questions about its competence and its commitment to dealing with crises.

So the Hon Beatrice Anywar, an MP for Kitgum District, decided to take action: she ferried a number of children from her constituency to Mulago National Referral Hospital in the capital, Kampala. There were reports that the police tried to stop the bus from leaving Kitgum for fear that she would parade the children before Parliament.

When the sick children arrived in Mulago, journalists had a field day taking pictures. While the ethics of this display are questionable, I think it was necessary in order to shock our leaders into action. And Anywar did exactly that by bringing nodding disease to our doorstep. The issue can no longer be ignored.

The president later visited the victims at Mulago, where he promised more government support.

In the spirit of International Women’s Day, women activists in Uganda tied themselves to trees today in solidarity with Northern Ugandan mothers whose children are afflicted by the disease. Parents are often compelled to tie their sick children to trees to protect them from falling down or wandering off.

The gravity of the problem has been aptly described by women’s rights activist Jackline Asiimwe: “It is not acceptable for any parent to think that the only option left to save their children is by tying them to trees when they have a government whose mandate is to ensure that the citizens exercise their right to good health and access to medical attention wherever and whenever necessary.”


Spring Forward? Not For The Middle Class

The Article: The Middle Class Really is in a Three-Decade Slump by Kevin Drum in Mother Jones.

The Text: Did middle-class incomes really decouple from overall economic growth in the mid-70s? If you look at median family income vs. GDP per capita, the answer is yes. From 1950 through 1975, both grew at about the same rate. After that, median family income grew quite a bit slower than GDP per capita.

But wait! You need to make sure to calculate inflation the same way for both measures. And maybe GDP per capita is a bad measure. Plus you need to account for health insurance and other benefits when you calculate median income. And the number of people per household has changed over time. These are all legitimate issues. So Lane Kenworthy redrew the chart to compare apples to apples: median household income vs. average household income. Median income shows only the movement of households that are smack in the middle of the middle class, while average income is similar to overall economic growth since it depends on total national income.

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Why Educated Conservatives Deny Science — and Reality

The Article: The Republican Brain: Why Even Educated Conservatives Deny Science — and Reality by Chris Mooney in AlterNet.

The Text: I can still remember when I first realized how naĆÆve I was in thinkingā€”hopingā€”that laying out the ā€œfactsā€ would suffice to change politicized minds, and especially Republican ones. It was a typically wonkish, liberal revelation: One based on statistics and data. Only this time, the data were showing, rather awkwardly, that people ignore data and evidenceā€”and often, knowledge and education only make the problem worse.

Someone had sent me a 2008 Pew report documenting the intense partisan divide in the U.S. over the reality of global warming.. Itā€™s a divide that, maddeningly for scientists, has shown a paradoxical tendency to widen even as the basic facts about global warming have become more firmly established.

Those facts are these: Humans, since the industrial revolution, have been burning more and more fossil fuels to power their societies, and this has led to a steady accumulation of greenhouse gases, and especially carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. At this point, very simple physics takes over, and you are pretty much doomed, by what scientists refer to as the ā€œradiativeā€ properties of carbon dioxide molecules (which trap infrared heat radiation that would otherwise escape to space), to have a warming planet. Since about 1995, scientists have not only confirmed that this warming is taking place, but have also grown confident that it has, like the gun in a murder mystery, our fingerprint on it. Natural fluctuations, although they exist, canā€™t explain what weā€™re seeing. The only reasonable verdict is that humans did it, in the atmosphere, with their cars and their smokestacks.

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Kim Jong-Un: The GOP’s Savior In Disguise?

Kim Jong-Un GOP

GOP National Party Chairman Reince Prebius revealed Thursday (March 1) that, yes, he had received a videotape from Pyongyang, North Korea in which newly appointed strongman Kim Jong-un offers himself as the GOP nominee for President in 2012.

ā€œIt wasnā€™t really so much of an offer as it was a demand,ā€ Preibus said. ā€œAnd he isnā€™t just offering to be our nominee. Heā€™s insisting on being made president.ā€

The 7-minute 32-second video shows the son of recently deceased North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il offering his services to lead America. The text accompanying the video, which is now available on YouTube, reads as follows:

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Ron Paul’s Voting Record

Ron Paul Record

Still trying to figure out why so many poor college kids are in favor of Paul, but that’s neither here nor there.


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