Has America Betrayed The Legacy Of Martin Luther King?

“If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty, to make it possible for all of God’s children to have the basic necessities of life, she too will go to Hell…”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Martin Luther King Memorial is a colossal block of granite, devoid of the emotion of the man it was meant to pay tribute. It’s hard to imagine how it could have been worse or how one of America’s most incandescent souls would have reacted to it. It’s big. There is that.
The last time Dr. King planned to return to the Washington Mall was as part of the Poor People’s Campaign, before his life was cut short on that shabby balcony at the Lorraine Motel. He was in Memphis in the spring of 1968 to support black sanitary public works employees as they demanded equal and fair pay.
Ironically, the MLK memorial was not built by union labor, it appears to have been built by what can only be called slave labor. As detailed by the Washington Post, workers were shipped over from China without pay to back up sculptor Lei Yixin as he chipped away at a giant chunk of rock from Greece.
I very much doubt that King would have minded the ethnicity of those workers. He wasn’t very big on patriotism as Edward Rothstein points out in his excellent critique of the memorial’s flaws. I do think that it’s safe to say that he would have objected quite strongly to the idea that those workers were being paid in “national pride” and cigarettes.