Why Facebook Is The Future Of The Internet & Personal Relationships

Imagine you woke up as Mark Zuckerberg. The Middle East is revolting daily thanks, in part, to a website you cobbled together in your dorm room. Drunk. Time Magazine named you Person of the Year two months ago. Goldman Sachs cut your company a half billion dollar check last month. And the movie about you may well win the Oscar for best picture later this month. You are 26 years old and worth $15 billion.
In spite of the spoils, you live a more or less monastic life. You zip up the hoodie, walk out of the modest home you rent month to month, and cruise to work in the Accura TSX, your lone indulgence. It’s a one minute drive. The office is fratty. Everyone is a “dude”. Many wear flip-flops. And there are unlimited Lucky Charms. You don’t have your own office so you plop down wherever and code on and off for the next 16 hours. When people don’t interrupt you.