Our Marriage Was Once Illegal Too

Because we haven’t been posting so much and life is hard, here are pictures of a deer licking a cat:
Also, if that’s not enough, there is also a video… of a deer licking a cat:
[tags]deer licks a cat, deer, cat, cat pictures, photos, cute pictures, adorable, funny, how does that happen?, that is one patient cat, der deer dook der cats, dear[/tags]
Dear Lord Bozarking:
We have created a mighty post in your honor, in the hopes we may be graced by your presence. Please, take our humble offerings and shower us with your poetic verses of filth and degradation in the modern world. Continue Reading
Remember my poem, the tour de force I did not speak out against the impending encroachment of the New York Times Barack Obama Muslim Fascist Communist Socialist State
First they came for the Imperial system, and I did not speak out—because I was not an Imperial system;
Then they came for the health care companies, and I did not speak out—because I was not a health care company;
Then they came for the Sarah Palin, and I did not speak out—because I was not Sarah Palin;
Then they came for Whites—and there was no one left to speak out for me except illegal immigrants and ACORN.
Turns out that inbred radio-yapper Laura Ingraham reads this blog and COPIED MY DAMN POEM. Check out what she “read” at a rally against health care reform:
First they came for the rich and I did not speak out because I was not rich
Then they came for the property owners and I did not speak out because I did not own property
Then they came for the right to bear arms and I did not speak out because I was not armed
Then they came for me and denied me my medical care, and there was no one left to speak for me
I am both alarmed and appalled that she has so blatantly copied off of me, though I am a little disturbed she did not address the fact that Barack Obama is a homosexual Muslim socialist fascist communist and a direct reincarnation of Hitler and Stalin.
See Also: Malkin Award Nominee, Code Red healthcare protest summary, Code Red Rally in DC Tuesday, Kentucky Tea Partiers Tell Sen. Bunning’s Staff Of Their Concerns About Fascism, Muslims, And Taxes, Tea Party Rally To Kill Health Care Reform, and Code Red Rally in D.C. today.
[tags]no one left to speak for me, barack obama, laura ingraham, laura ingrham, poem, poetry, socialism, health care reform, communism, dey dook der unaffordable insurance, health insurance reform[/tags]
Mewahmohwamowahamwahamwomeah oh yah meahwahmewhameahamwahdahmahyahohyahmeahwamyawm.