Part Two Of Vote For Karlos: The Moats Plan

Nota Bene: Please seeVote for Karlos: Part 1 for a more thorough look into the intricate mind of this insightful 2040 presidential candidate.
My friends, it is time to heal America. Washington is too dysfunctional, our feuds too petty and too numerous. We are a nation divided. Not only by the every-day cyborgs we see at Starbucks or the vegetarian versus omnivore debate we taste in kitchens. But by the very news we hear in TV rooms.
My friends, news stations are a business. They must deliver the news, but they must also deliver ratings. And so our news today is flavored, “super sized” and seasoned to our own tastes. FOX News is sour to many of us here tonight. MSNBC is our sugary-dessert, best consumed sparingly. CNN and NBC are slightly sweetened. And PBS serves up the starchy facts, arguably the best for you but a tad boring.
Criticize FOX News or MSNBC all you want, but the networks are only showing what viewers want to see. What we have, my friends, is a media Catch-22: to be better informed, Americans need high-quality, independent journalism; but if news organizations want to stay in business, they need more sophisticated viewers. Put another way, viewers wish FOX News would be more like PBS, but they do not watch PBS.