Portrait Of A Young Man As A Confused Degenerate

Basic introduction. I’m an American expat working and living in London. I’ve actually lived in Europe for three years now and am going to start telling people that I left when Bush was re-elected because of a promise I made on the Conan O’Brien Show a la Alec Baldwin (the actor, not the douchebag who runs this site). Anyway, that’s a lie (about leaving because of Bush’s re-election, not about Alec being a douche) and I’ve actually seen some interesting things in my years abroad. This particular incident is not necessarily that interesting, but what the hell this is a blog. I was in Istanbul with my fiancee last weekend and recounted this anecdote about the Turkish Capital to a half-Turkish half-American friend of ours who gave us some tips on what to do there. The conversation is as follows:
12:42 PM Alhan: looks like i dont have access to that photo maybe i need to be “friends” with kristine12:43 PM maybe you could email the photos?12:44 PM me: just befriend kristine but i’ll email said photos okay here’s the first story our first full day we go to the blue mosque and it’s really beautiful of course12:46 PM we start to go through the first entrance and this little middle-aged turkish dude in a like old, grey 90s style suit comes up to us and starts trying to chat us up and he’s like, “you’re supposed to go this way my friend, I’ll show you exactly where to go” hold12:48 PM back on anyway, he’s like “I’ll show you where to go and afterwards I’ll show you my carpet store”12:49 PM and we’re like, “no, no, thank you, thank you, that’s very nice but we just want to do it ourselves.” and he says, “no, no, you don’t understand, i show you where to go, you do it yourselves, and then we talk on other side!”12:50 PM and he just starts following us as we head through the main entranceway up to the actual mosque and both my fiancee and i are too big pussies to tell him to go away so i stupidly start answering his questions, because i don’t want to be rude, and talking to him and he’s like “so where are you from?”12:51 PM and i tell him “kristine’s swedish, but my mother’s french and my father’s american and i’m from the states” and he’s like, “oh, i’ve been to the states before it’s very nice, I love seattle and my daughter goes to school in america”12:52 PM and to be polite i’m like, “where does she go to school?” and he’s like emory university and that’s where I went to school, so i was kind of surprised, because there are only really like 6,000 undergraduate students there, so the odds are incredibly small, so i tell him i went to emory and try to make that a mutual point of conversation12:53 PM and he does not seem impressed, and starts going off on a typical schpeel about how, “people are people, and we’re all the same, and it doesn’t matter where your from, etc.etc.”12:54 PM and in my head i’m thinking, well we actually have something in common and you’re trying to sell me a carpet by giving me the same idiotic speech you give everybody? how bad of a salesman are you? but I ask him what his daughter is studying, to try to get back on topic12:57 PM and he’s like, “middle eastern studies” and i’m like, “it’s a very nice school and a good department” and he’s like “yeah, yeah,” and goes right back to the speech! and starts advising us on how we have to take our shoes off when we get into the mosque, because we would not have figured that out from the signs in english, the security guards and the fact that everybody else around us was doing the same, and he continues to give us these very pertinent pieces of advice, like “go in through there” and “i’ll meet you on the other side” and i know kristine’s looking at me like, “oh fuck, what have you done.”12:59 PM so we go in, and it’s incredibly beautiful and we’re both very impressed, but i know kristine’s nervous about that guy, cuz we’ve had a bad history of being followed around in foreign (generally muslim) countries by people we don’t know who want to “befriend” us and show us around, etc. and i’m looking at her, like, “what kind of a retard do you think i am if you think i’m going to follow this guy around for god knows how long when we have other things to do.” Anyway, we leave the mosque and the guy is of course there waiting for us1:00 PM and while we put our shoes on i’m trying to steer his rants back to the idea that we actually do have things in common by talking about emory, but he just sort of shrugs me off and says that it’s incredibly expensive (which of course it is) and we’re ready to go and he’s like “come with me, this way, we’re going to see my carpet store now”1:01 PM and i’m all sort of quiet and not very agressive, but telling him, no actually, we have a friend of a friend we have to meet at the grand bazaar who owns a carpet store already and we are meant to go there and he’s like, “no, no, no you don’t understand” like we were confused about something and he was going to make everything clear1:02 PM “you don’t need to buy the carpets, you just need to come to the store and look at them! Now come with me.” and we’re like sorry dude, thanks anyway and we kind of slink off1:03 PM and he looks at us all indignant and pathetic and what not, and i can’t help but feel sorry for the poor bastard, because i know that yearly tuition at emory with room and board is $35,000 plus and that was five years ago, so it’s probably like $40,000 by now, but for fuck’s sake did he really think we were going to go with him? fin1:04 PM Alhan: yeah they do that its true you couldnt feel too sorry for him they play on that so is that the tragic one?1:07 PM me: yah that’s the “tragic” one i thought it was kind of funny though Alhan: did he say his name at any point? me: but the second one is actually funny, funny oh shit let me call kristine1:09 PM he didn’t introduce himself properly kristine said and if he did i missed it Alhan: what did he look like me: oh, the other thing is he kept calling us “brothers and sisters”1:10 PM kristine: “short, bald,big eyes, he looked sort of like a small version of those big monsters in lord of the rings number three, the big ogre things with one eye”1:11 PM i’m terrible at describing people BLUE MOSQUE ENTRYWAY INSIDE THE BLUE MOSQUE
1:12 PM Alhan: haha thats good enough poor guy so next story… me: hold1:13 PM okay next story, and i’m sure i’m going to have to talk to kristine to fill in the gaps1:14 PM and his is more of a shuttle driver story than a carpet store story but it’s related to a carpet guy so our last day we book this shuttle service to go to the airport, because it’s the far airport way outside the city that easyjet passengers take and it’s kind of a long way, so this is the cheapest way to do it1:15 PM so we get in and kristine already starts to complain, because on the way into the city we had an entire shuttle to ourselves because we arrived late at night, and now on the way back to the airport all three rows had people in them1:16 PM and i’m like, it’s not that bad, we have a row to ourselves, please calm down, etc. doesn’t stop her, but whatever we start driving, and there’s a driver and then his friend in the passenger seat who seems to be there for no reason at all other than to speak with the driver in turkish and keep him company1:17 PM anyways, we head off and are taking a very long convoluted path and i realize we’re not actually leaving just yet we have to pick up more people along the way and i’m just praying they don’t fill this stupid van,for kristine’s sake, and the sake of my ears1:18 PM anyway, they do start to fill the van drive five minutes stop pick someone up drive ten minutes stop pick two people up drive ten more minutes etc., etc. till’ the van is basically full1:19 PM then we go and stop right outside a side street next to this carpet store1:20 PM and during this entire trip the driver has occassionally been shouting back at people making chatty comments in very borat-style english ‘how you are back there ‘ma'” (he knew one of the passengers previously and called her ma and chatted with her the most – this old english lady who was on holiday with her husband) “is okay, we almost done” etc. etc. so we stop outside this carpet store and his friend leaves the car and we wait and wait like ten minutes1:21 PM and the driver leans back to comment “this is my uncle’s carpet store” “he is crook” “he only likes to use people for their money” “don’t go here” like complete non-sequitor and kristine and i are just cracking up in the back seat1:22 PM like uncontrollably but finally, we get going, but without his friend and we’re like “what was the point of that stop, to tell us how crooked his uncle is?” but we keep going1:23 PM and the van is basically full at this point the front row is stuffed with baggage the second-fourth rows have pretty much every seat filled save for maybe a couple so we figure finally, we’re on our way wrong wrong1:24 PM we stop again after 10 more minutes of driving through istanbul traffic (we’re really lucky we left the city four hours in advance of our flight) at a train station to pick up more people, and fill every last seat1:25 PM but the people aren’t there so we wait for 15 more minutes and while we wait, ma’s husband needs to use the toilet, so he goes into the train station1:26 PM and then the people arrive, take ma’s husband’s seat, fill the van entirely and were waiting for mr. ma at the end and he shows up, as does the driver’s friend before this the driver had said to ma ‘is okay, we leave your husband now’1:27 PM soooo borat then when the husband comes back and has to sit somewhere else ,he says ‘okay, your husband has to go away, it’s okay?’ or something to that effect, and ma’s like, yeah i think i’ll survive1:28 PM so we finally head off for the airport, an hour-plus after we had left the hostel and maybe a mile or so away from our hotel1:29 PM and i forgot to mention the most important part, the driver and the friend always burst into random turkish chatter after every bizarre-half english comment the guy makes like borat does with his kazakh friend in the borat movie (i can’t emphasize this borat analogy enough)1:30 PM so during one of these parking stops, he interrupts his heated turkish conversation with his friend leans back to everyone in the car and says in english1:32 PM (pointing to his friend) “he has bad smell!” and turns back to his friend and starts jabbering away in turkish again and laughing1:33 PM and everyone in the car is obviously laughing, and kristine and i are practically rolling on the floor, because we realize we have come as close as we ever will to meeting borat fin
So what are you going to be doing for the 5th anniversary of the war? Anybody know of any good protests going on? It’s only a month away.
This picture really sums up the evil we have brought (disturbing):
What the presidential candidates will do:
The original homeland security:
Because we don’t live in a real democracy, I can’t endorse my true favorite. This man would restore honor and truth to America. Or at least truthiness. That’s why I’d like to endorse Stephen Colbert for president.
Could you imagine the sarcastic irony he could employ while meeting with our great democratic friends in Russia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, ….
But since he dropped out, I’ve swung my allegiances to Obama. Obama is the only Democrat that is opposed to the drug war. He denounced the war for what it was. He inspires people, and is one of the greatest orators of all time. I think he could serious have a lot of republicans for Obama on his side, even though he is the most liberal Senator in Congress. There is no way Hillary could get Republicans (except for Coulter) on her side. Whether or not she actually deserves it, there are a lot of people who have strong negative emotional reactions to her. I don’t think she would be terrible, but I think that Obama would lead progressively with courage and convictions. That’s why I’m going to vote for Obama, and still my state will probably vote Republican by > 60%. Democracy!
There’s a new post-hipster, post-modern fashion craze sweeping across our Christian land, and we here at Prose Before Hos are proud to present an exposé on the latest inster fashion trends.
At a House Party:
At Work:
On MySpace:
Going to a poetry slam:
Working out:
As you can see, your typical inster is fit and literate, and enjoys coffee. Floral notes accent the vibrant colors and dyi aesthetic. This is clearly what to watch for 2008.