Kim Jong-Un: The GOP’s Savior In Disguise?

GOP National Party Chairman Reince Prebius revealed Thursday (March 1) that, yes, he had received a videotape from Pyongyang, North Korea in which newly appointed strongman Kim Jong-un offers himself as the GOP nominee for President in 2012.
“It wasn’t really so much of an offer as it was a demand,” Preibus said. “And he isn’t just offering to be our nominee. He’s insisting on being made president.”
The 7-minute 32-second video shows the son of recently deceased North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il offering his services to lead America. The text accompanying the video, which is now available on YouTube, reads as follows:
The Beloved Successor, Kim Jong-un, has seen the difficulties encountered by the Republican Party in the Running Dog Imperialist Puppet Master United States of America, and he has offered to become President of the United States. If you do not want your west coast cities to be leveled into smoking, radioactive ruins, you may well consider his generous gift to America.
A drunken Speaker of the House John Boehner makes a cameo appearance in the video, but it appears that in post-production, someone with only a limited understanding of English dubs much of what he says.
In the video, Kim says he will give the Republican Party until March 14 to decide. Otherwise, the United States as a whole will risk having their west coast cities turned into “smoking, radioactive ruins.”
“We’re considering it,” Preibus said. “For one thing, who wants our west coast cities to be turned into smoking, radioactive ruins? Other than San Francisco, I mean. We have some lovely cities on the west coast – Santa Barbara, Portland, and can you get a better cup of coffee from somewhere other than Seattle? Not as far as I’m concerned. And after all, I’m Reince Preibus.”
Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said the fact that the Republicans are even considering bringing a the son of a bloodthirsty former dictator into the electoral picture is just another sign of how desperate they are.
“Look at their options,” she told Rachel Maddow on her MSNBC program. “A flip flopper, a frothy substance, a serial adulterer, and a crazy old man. They want to add a warmongering dictator to the picture? More power to them. I just don’t see how they’re going to get past that whole ‘not born in America’ thing.’”
When told of Wasserman-Schultz’s remarks, Preibus said, “I find it odd that all of a sudden Democrats are concerned about birth certificates.”
Upon various reporters’ pressing Priebus for a response to Kim’s demands he said, “Well, we’re going to have to wait to see how things shake out on Super Tuesday. It will be easier to make a decision then, anyway. And we’ll still have enough time to beat that March 14 deadline. Although I am tempted to tell him to go ahead and drop one on San Francisco, just to see if he’s serious. Heh.”
Somebody spend a lot of time making this fake new story… and it isn’t very funny at all.
True, nothing’s as funny as the current GOP presidential contenders.