Why The Salvation Army Doesn’t Deserve Your Money

Every holiday season, people open their hearts and wallets for family, friends, and charities alike, including the Salvation Army. Unfortunately, some large organizations who regularly solicit for money are often using funds for political motives or ‘overhead’ costs. In a series of posts, we’ll be investigating three popular charities that don’t deserve your charity.
Everyone knows the Salvation Army. Whether it’s the secondhand goods at their thrift stores or their collection kettles outside department stores, the Salvation Army is ubiquitous to the holiday season.
However, the Salvation Army’s virulent opposition to gay rights both in public and through persistent legislative lobbying raises the question how donations intended for the needy are being spent. Many people forget that the Salvation Army is in fact an Evangelical church, and as such, it tends to have a hard-right social agenda.
In fact, the Salvation Army goes so far as to say gay people shouldn’t be having sex. You can find this nugget on their website: “Christians whose sexual orientation is primarily or exclusively same-sex are called upon to embrace celibacy as a way of life.”
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Starting at the beginning of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2001, the Salvation Army began lobbying for an exemption to equal labor practices for government-funded faith-based organizations. Why? Because the Salvation Army wanted to continue to discriminate against gays and prevent them from being hired.
In 2004, the Salvation Army threatened to close all its soup kitchens in the New York City area—which would have ended $250 million worth of contracts with the city—if they were forced to offer benefits to same-sex couples. This move would have lost the Salvation Army around $70 million in direct funding from the city and endangered the lives of several thousand people reliant on the Salvation Army.
Was this supposed to be a principled stand? All the homeless people receiving care from the Salvation Army would be turned out on the street. What would have motivated The Salvation Army to make such a callous move? They said that, by offering benefits to same sex couples, they’d be supporting HIV/AIDS because HIV/AIDS is only the product of homosexual intercourse.
AIDS? How does AIDS factor in? Oh yeah, I forgot! Gay people don’t suffer from non-gay sex related maladies. If a same sex couple needs health benefits, it must be from all that AIDS they’re spreading around. Is there any way to construe this as anything but bigotry?
Just beacuse Salvation Army dont support gay sex don’t mean you should not give them support as they still support many mentally ill, alcoholic and homeless that majority of society will ignore and simple turn there back on.
Most religious/major political parties /orgs don’t support gay sex. Yeah its sucks but why should a homeless mentally ill person be denied support and a hot meal cause of your views on gay marriage. Do you think the struggling mother with 3 starving kids gives a hell if you you go home to a man or a lady?? the most distressing thing about this whole article is that while you are so quick to condemn salvation army for not matching your views of the world if that you forget that THE SALVATION ARMY GIVES SUPPORT, FOOD AND BLANKETS TO DISADVANTAGED GAY PEOPLE TOO – THEY DONT DO A SEXUAL PREFERENCE TEST BEFORE HANDING OUT SOUP!! Like it or not they are doing more good than most for us in the the community and many would be more worst off without them. Additionally unlike many charities many of the salvos staff are volunteers – How many people have you helped the week?? HUH???
If the Salvation Army supported gay sex would if really make any difference to your life??BUT IF THEY LOOSE THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE COMMUNITY HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS WOULD SUFFER!!
Just beacuse Salvation Army dont support gay sex don’t mean you should not give them support as they still support many mentally ill, alcoholic and homeless that majority of society will ignore and simple turn there back on.
Most religious/major political parties /orgs don’t support gay sex. Yeah its sucks but why should a homeless mentally ill person be denied support and a hot meal cause of your views on gay marriage. Do you think the struggling mother with 3 starving kids gives a hell if you you go home to a man or a lady?? the most distressing thing about this whole article is that while you are so quick to condemn salvation army for not matching your views of the world if that you forget that THE SALVATION ARMY GIVES SUPPORT, FOOD AND BLANKETS TO DISADVANTAGED GAY PEOPLE TOO – THEY DONT DO A SEXUAL PREFERENCE TEST BEFORE HANDING OUT SOUP!! Like it or not they are doing more good than most for us in the the community and many would be more worst off without them. Additionally unlike many charities many of the salvos staff are volunteers – How many people have you helped the week?? HUH???
If the Salvation Army supported gay sex would if really make any difference to your life??BUT IF THEY LOOSE THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE COMMUNITY HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS WOULD SUFFER!!
I like the Salvation Army stores because I get good bargains there. I don’t care about the rest.
plus they are racist and misogynist as well. How many non whites or women have ever held the highest position of authority in the Salvation Army? My wife was forced to go to this cult as a child but thankfully managed to escape their insidious grasp when she turned 18. I wouldn’t wish the Salvation Army on anyone and wouldn’t give them a penny.
your wife is a very strong woman
Yep I’ll DEFINITELY be supporting the Salvation Army. Thanks for the update I was unaware of all the GOOD works they were doing.
i see you are on satan’s side. how can jesus show you the light? i will pray for you.
A stance against homosexuality is EXACTLY why I will continue to donate to the Salavation Army. I think the author of this article must also be a pervert.
and i think you are deeply disturbed my friend. i will pray every day that jesus saves you.
what do you expect? anything that does not make a church grow in numbers will be labeled as a sin. how can gays make the cult grow by not having babies?
very true. and sad that it has become a cult. not all religious people allow themselves to be turned into cult members. it’s only the ones who are not as strong.
At the risk of inviting the inevitable insults and ridicule, as transgender, I see nothing wrong with what the Salvation Army does. Please, hear me out.
I am very well aware that, in the social and political arena, spiritual organizations like the Salvation Army are our frequent opponents in our crusade for equal rights and protections under the law. I have personally met many evangelicals who have insulted, belittled, slandered, and come up with the most outrageous theories, accusations, and stories concerning the LGBT community. I know that many of them hate me for what I represent and that no matter what I say or do, no matter how eloquent my arguments, I will never be a human being in their eyes.
And that’s okay. Seriously. For two reasons:
1. Regardless of whether they are my dogmatic opponent or not, they do humanitarian work. Do I find their prejudices to be sad? Of course. But that does not invalidate the work that they do. I am not so callous a human being that I would rather see them driven “out of business” so to speak, because they refuse to help LGBTs in need, at the cost of making the 99.9% of those they *do* willingly help go without their charity. That’s like saying the NAACP should be driven out of business because they only represent African-American interests. Even if we vehemently disagree with some of the particulars, we as human beings should still respect their mission overall because it creates a lot more good than ill.
2. For us to say that organizations like the Salvation Army should be shunned and do not deserve our support is saying basically that they do not have the right to think and believe the way they do. How then are we any different than they? They say we are an abomination and an effrontery to God; we say that they are hateful bigots forcing their religion on people who do not want it. How are we to ever find the common ground that leads to understanding and acceptance if neither side is willing to accept the opinions and feelings of the other as valid? Every group that fought for equal rights had to take the moral high ground in order to move their struggle forward in the court of public opinion, which is ultimately where our battle will be won or lost, not on the floor of the Capitol. We cannot win by painting our opponents with a broad brush of ridicule and ignorance; that only alienates those on the other side who might’ve heard us and agreed with us.
No, it’s not fair that we are put through this. It’s not right that we have to be the patient ones taking the high ground. But even if laws were changed today, attitudes would not be, and changing laws before changing attitudes will just cause festering resentment. No, it’s not fair, but it’s human nature we’re fighting against, and winning that battle takes time.
You may never see this since your post is two years old, but if you do, God Bless you. More people, both gay and straight should be as tolerant and understanding as you. The world would be such a better place! I am a Christian whose only problem with the gay community is the use of the word marriage between two people of the same gender. JUST the word, nothing else. I guess I’m just old fashioned, but for me, “marriage” is, was, and always will be between one man and one woman. If there were some other word with the definition “exactly the same as a marriage between one man and one woman, only between two people of the same gender”, that carried the same benefits as a traditional marriage I would be fine with it. And I believe a lot of other older people would too. And BTW, I do believe the Salvation Army is a great charitable organization too. Just my 2 cents.
that’s true (they are a great organization), as long as you are “living out THEIR PERCEIVED AGENDA for your life.” If not, you’re out.
And your reply is a year old, heh.
But anyway, marriage was a thing way before your religious text came out. It dates back to Ancient Greek times (maybe even further)
Alysandir, with all due respect, since when have attitudes changed prior to laws? Slavery, for example, was changed by law. Did attitudes change immediately? Nope. Let’s fast-forward to Civil Rights or Apartheid in South Africa. What changed first? Law or attitudes? Still, our attitudes were catching up a hundred or so years later after we ended slavery. I don’t know about you, but I can speak for myself… If there were something I felt needed to be changed, I wouldn’t want to wait until someone else’s attitude changed to pave my way.
It’s unacceptable to resent *ANYONE* based on their race, creed, orientation, ability or disability. Resentfulness is not a Christian value, and it’s not a social value, either! 🙂 Resentment simply doesn’t work! It clogs up every good intention that helps to form healthy relationships and a noble society… So, we have got to learn to come together, somehow. 🙂
This isn’t about who or what a person is or is not; it’s all about equality, freedom, and being able to care about and be cared for by the rest of humanity, so that we ALL can get on with “Doing The Most Good,” because the world *really* does need us… The world needs our best efforts right now… There are so many victims of disasters; if we are fighting and arguing, we aren’t providing help to the helpless… And, what if we were in their shoes? I mean, honestly, what could they say to us about all of this? There are so many people who need to wake up to the day they aren’t enslaved to a drug or alcohol addiction. There are people who need to be clothed, who can’t afford it right now. There are so many homeless families living out of their own cars right now. Countless people need to visit food banks. We need the Salvation Army and its cause; when we partner together, we CAN and we WILL do this amazing work… Making the impossible, possible.
A charity should simply do its job. Outside politics aren’t a part of any mission’s primary vision. Furthermore, the Salvation Army frankly does not have the resources (or does not report to have the resources), to pay the majority of its workers health benefits. Most of its staff make minimum wage for jobs that should go for twice that hourly rate. There are injuries in sorting out donations, lifting, and making due with what is given that the store cannot supply itself.
If the Salvation Army has time to speak on issues like this, they are wasting not only your and my donations, but their own cause… Which means that WE ALL are LOSING, since we are the active supporters of that cause.
I wish you the very best, and I want you to know that God loves you very much… And, as a faithful advocate of the Salvation Army, I wish you the best, and hope that your voice is heard…
We are all God’s children, and that’s not a mild statement to issue in the least.
Alysandir, You are a beautiful person. I am a Christian and do not hate or am I unkind to anyone because of there sexual orientation. If asked
I do have to tell them what I believe. Your attitude is awesome. i wish more Christian and homosexual had it.
Is true of Daesh too.
I supose you would recommend we donate to such worthy groups as ACORN? Religious groups should not be required to employ people that do not share the core values of that religion. You do not believe in religious freedom, since you cheer any attack on religion you can find. Athiesm is a lack of belief in God, not a desire to destroy man’s faith in God. I suggest that you hire exclusively from the LGBT realm. I am sure that is realistic..
let me get this straight , the salvation army is a faith based group that absolutely refuses to show the fag problem , in a positive light .
going so far as to tell the queers not to have sex ,
was it your intention to get me to donate 2 grand to these guys this year? no?
you have failed then
I wholeheartedly support the Salvation Army for its anti-gay stand and the incredible work the Salvation Army does througout the nation. Homosexuality is not only wrong and immoral, it’s a personality flaw and perverted. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve! The Salvation Army helps millions of unfortunate people daily. They will continue to receive my money and donations! Capiche?
satanic cult member ^^
only satan promotes hate. God only knows love.
pathetic troll
all the more reason why I’ll keep contributing to the Salvation Army.
I agree with this article completely.
The Salvation Army is a two-faced, sneaky organization based on centuries of Ignorance. Don’t trust them to “do the right thing”.
The facts:
1- The Salvation Army is primarily a religion. The Salvation Army has a RELIGIOUS agenda.
2- Their religious agenda comes first, then MAYBE charity work.
3- Where they discriminate is irrelevant. They DO discriminate on a religious basis.
4- The funds they collect are used to lobby for laws that allow them to discriminate.
5- They DON’T feed people chritably, they feed them in the hope of inspiring belief in their religion and changing their lives to the values of the Salvation Army RELIGION.
6- A true charity has no strings attached or hidden agendas.
wow….so very true. thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reaffirming my faith in the Salvation Army. The have courage in standing for what is righteous. Homosexuality is a sin.
those who show hate are the biggest sinners of all. your sins are far worse than those of a homosexual. you need to repent. it’s the only way you will be saved. i will pray for you.
Have to make sure that I send the Salvation Army MORE money!!
those who show hate are the biggest sinners of all.
The Salvation Army is the most worthy of all the charities. Leave them alone and pursue something productive. Get a job or go create one. Next you will be going after Samaritan’s Purse.
First, let me say that I have been involved with the Salvation Army for most of my life. And the complaints that are made here are no different than those that are made against any church that does not do what the left wants them to do.
As a church, they have religions doctrine, which follows fundamental Christian doctrine. And that means that homosexuality is not approved of, so to speak. However, I have never seen anyone who has been refused aid due to their sexual preference. In fact, I have never seen anyone asked their sexual preference.
The comments concerning the soup kitchens in NYC, while accurate, are distorted by personal ideology. If they had been forced to act in a way that went against their beliefs, they would have walked away from the contracts and the funding. To many, that would be seen as remaining faithful to your beliefs – not being out to hurt someone.
And as for the transsexual individual spoken of, they were offered shelter. However, there is a long held rule against housing males and females in the same facility. And while this individual may have seem themselves, and lived, as a woman, they were, in fact, a man.
Finally, the comments concerning the Salvation Army not permitting employees to marry someone who is not an employee, while SORT OF accurate, it is distorted.
In the Salvation Army, it’s ministers are referred to as ‘Officers’ (following the military like structure. These individuals go through theological training for 2 years, before being sent into the field. Upon completion of training, they are assigned to one of literally thousands of facilities (corps , which are churches, social services facilities, etc) throughout the UN and the world. And these individuals can be reassigned on very little notice. As such, they require that these ‘officers’ only marry another officer. If they were married to someone who was not an officer, a transfer would be difficult.
Regular employees, meaning those who are NOT the ordained ‘officers’ are free to marry anyone that they choose. There are not any requirements that they ONLY marry other members of the Salvation Army.
A solution to a situation such as this is quite simple. Only donate to organizations who’s social stance on issues matches your own. If you do not like the Salvation Army, or Catholic Charities, or any other organization, simply do not donate.
I do not give to them …but now I will !!!
They are right …. It is an Abomination, homosexual sex !
One man one woman this is God’s law ,you know it’s true in you hearts no matter what you say ! God loves you all, REPENT of you sins !!!!
maybe YOU think it is true. i know a very different truth. the God i know is full of love and acceptance. not hate and discrimination. our truth’s are very different.
Genesis 19
Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.”
“No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”
3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”
Apparently the editor of the these writings is gay and since the Salvation Army is a church and believes in the inspired words of God in 1st Corinthians 6:9-10, that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God, the editor is trying to make his point to prove God is wrong before the editor enters the abyss.
They have the habit of destroying our comments because to much TRUTH is not allowed on their site. They crucify the TRUTH because Christ is the TRUTH.
the truth is love. not hate. Christ is love. God is love. how can you claim to be Christian and not know this? hate is a SIN. you will go to hell for your sins unless you repent. i will pray for you.
The Bible also says:
“For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him.”
(Leviticus 20:9) Does this mean we should actually kill every child who has disrespected their parent? Well hell hes, why not? If its true for gays, its true for children!
“Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.” (Leviticus 25:44-45)
So, I guess this means it’s ok to own slaves? Whoopee, I’m gonna git me a big one
“…and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.” (Leviticus 11:7)
Oop’s I’ve been eating unclean pork meat for most of my life. I’m not going to heaven I guess.
“…do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear material woven of two kinds of material.” (Leviticus 19:19)
Those farmers who plant more than one kind of seed are sinning (even though it’s far more ecologically prudent to plant something other than a monocrop!) In addition, I guess I better go get rid of any clothes that might have a mix of materials in them for fear of doing something sinful.
Oh guy’s I could go on and on but I’m not going to, the bible is full of bits that religionists choose to spout about when it suits their agenda and to ignore when it does not.
Thank you for posting this. some people here are so THICK. it’s funny.
Hey Caleb Gosa –
Your facebook says you are interested in men AND women – so you are gay then?
I was living in a salvation army building in Canada. The building is absolutely disgusting it looks like an abandoned apartment block with run down water pipes, the ceilings are leaking everywhere. The place does not provide soap which is very unsanitary. Holes in the walls, beer bottles and cans with needle syringes scattered all over the second floor roof. This is not a safe sober place and definitely full of drugs and illegal activities. The people who work for this place run around with their ipads and texting on the job which is prohibited. I wonder where the money goes when people donate to the salvation army? Look at the cars and the houses where these people work. I haven’t seen any donations for coats, winter wear or clothing either. I’m glad I’m out of that place.
most charities spend a lot of their money on admin. the salvation army might spent more than average on admin….i really wouldn’t know.
the only way around this is to cut out the middle man and give to the poor/feed the poor yourself.
I think that it’s fine for Salvation Army to oppose gay rights because thats what they believe and they aren’t afraid to state that. It IS a far right evangelical christian organization and if anybody doesn’t know that or what comes with that territory then that person must be deliberately ignorant.. I think it is wrong to enforce morality on people whether it be saying gay people shouldn’t have sex or saying Salvation Army is corrupt for being anti gay rights… Isn’t it all some moral standard issue? “being gay is wrong” “being anti gay is wrong” etc.. We (humans) live according to what we believe and I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that S.A. uses the money they receive to support some anti gay movement. S.A. is about way more than making sure gays don’t have sex. But sure, if you don’t want to give the christians your money then don’t.. (I do find the bell ringers around xmas-time to be highly annoying.)
Oh lol actually I know a gay man who shops Salvation Army in order to collect vintage clothing for his vintage store… He must not mind since he gives S.A. $4 a shirt and sells them for $20… See we can all get along if we can walk away richer…
I’m straight and I wouldn’t give to Sally Army or SALVO in UK. I used to but then a husband and wife complete with uniforms moved in across the road.
Before they moved in a huge number of very big business organisations started turning up and doing all kinds of work on the property – including installing new kitchen – re-doing the bath room and toilet, evident from the skip for removal – scaffolding work on o/s with repointing brick work. It didn’t occur to me until I saw these two neighbors and even then a constant flotilla of big business vehicles that you’d normally seeing working on major projects and for other major businesses that I realized the implications.
Mr and Mrs John Doe (Bloggs in UK) wouldn’t be getting this kind of star treatment just like me or you. Either they were able to get the work done for nothing claiming it was for Salvo property for the homeless etc or these Salvos were living in one of the properties designed for this kind of purpose – either way it dawned on me that substantial contributions we saved and gave them each year maybe better directed else where.
[…] Religious Organizations believe they have a “right” to Federal Monies without following Federal Rules. […]
good for them standing up for whats right.
Obviously, homophobes will support Salvation Army. Anyone who doesn’t believe in telling others how to live their PRIVATE lives will no longer patronize them. No-brainer. Each to his own. I will not patronize them. They will not get my donations. Take your religious bs and keep it to youselves. And no I am not gay….. but I am sick to death of judgmental people. I hope all you homophobes have children who are just what you don’t like. Maybe that will teach you to be nice.
Judgmental people. Right. No hypocrisy going on here <_<
All I’m reading is about some whiner who didn’t get what he/she/it wanted. Please get over yourself. You’ve done so much damage to your cause that you will never recover. So much for your “tolerance, anti-bullying, anti-bigotry etc etc” et el. No one really cares how much you whine. It’s what you are good at.
[…] http://www.prosebeforehos.com/cultural-correspondent/12/07/why-the-salvation-army-doesnt-deserve-you… […]
As a former employee of the Salvation Army in Roanoke, Virginia, I had the opportunity to witness first hand just how crooked and slimy the Salvation Army officers are. Captain Kenneth Argot reduced his staff, but took over $ 6,000 per year to send his daughter to college. Christmas kettles money goes to pay for large parties and gatherings for officers. The needy in Roanoke are constantly being told there is no money to help them. This is true. The officers steal the money to pay for their own gain. I can provide much mjore if anyone is interested.
Ask Salvationist Leaders Jay Morris, Fred Dixon, or Barry Wilson if the Salvation Army is fro or against male on male sex since all of them led their so-called churches and were either flaming homosexuals, child molesters, or both.
The Salvation Army helped me many times in my youth.I have pretty much been on my own from about fifteen on.I have traveled all over the united states looking for work and some where to fit in. No matter what city I have been in,no matter how big or small you would never go hungry. The salvation army would many times give you a place to eat,sleep and shower. If there was no facilities they would give you a coupon good for a meal at a local restaurant. One time I was in kansas city, eighteen years old and I found a job in a battery factory which was a good job but I had to have steel toe boots to start work. The salvation army took me to a local store and bought me new boots so I could start my new job.I will never go past a Salvation Army Kettle without putting in as much as I can. I will never forget their kindness or acts of love. I am now old and grey but I am forever THANKFUL that the salvation army was there when I needed them so much. Thank you, Salvation Army for all your kindness. Charles S. in N.Y.
unless you’re gay they wont care about you.
I stopped going there or giving them my money long ago. Fuck those bigot bastards
I’m an ex-cop, and done time with the military. The Salvo’s we get here in Australia don’t usually give a flying #@#k if your gay, R.C. or Kalathumpian – they give people a hand. I have seen them do a lot of good work. Yes, they are an evangelical organisation but also practical people. I’ve also seen the other different catholic mobs lend a hand, it’s just that the Salvo’s are often there first, are generally better organised, have the funding and are set up for work here (not some other part of the world). PS I’m not a Salvo.
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Why The Salvation Army Doesn’t Deserve Your Money – Prose Before Hos…
Gay rights? ha ha ha, you can’t be serious. The Salvation Army is about as relevant to gay rights is to mountain climbing. Leave the Salvation Army alone. Take your gay agenda somewhere else. Go beat up some boy scouts.
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