Why The Salvation Army Doesn’t Deserve Your Money

Every holiday season, people open their hearts and wallets for family, friends, and charities alike, including the Salvation Army. Unfortunately, some large organizations who regularly solicit for money are often using funds for political motives or ‘overhead’ costs. In a series of posts, we’ll be investigating three popular charities that don’t deserve your charity.
Everyone knows the Salvation Army. Whether it’s the secondhand goods at their thrift stores or their collection kettles outside department stores, the Salvation Army is ubiquitous to the holiday season.
However, the Salvation Army’s virulent opposition to gay rights both in public and through persistent legislative lobbying raises the question how donations intended for the needy are being spent. Many people forget that the Salvation Army is in fact an Evangelical church, and as such, it tends to have a hard-right social agenda.
In fact, the Salvation Army goes so far as to say gay people shouldn’t be having sex. You can find this nugget on their website: “Christians whose sexual orientation is primarily or exclusively same-sex are called upon to embrace celibacy as a way of life.”
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Starting at the beginning of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2001, the Salvation Army began lobbying for an exemption to equal labor practices for government-funded faith-based organizations. Why? Because the Salvation Army wanted to continue to discriminate against gays and prevent them from being hired.
In 2004, the Salvation Army threatened to close all its soup kitchens in the New York City area—which would have ended $250 million worth of contracts with the city—if they were forced to offer benefits to same-sex couples. This move would have lost the Salvation Army around $70 million in direct funding from the city and endangered the lives of several thousand people reliant on the Salvation Army.
Was this supposed to be a principled stand? All the homeless people receiving care from the Salvation Army would be turned out on the street. What would have motivated The Salvation Army to make such a callous move? They said that, by offering benefits to same sex couples, they’d be supporting HIV/AIDS because HIV/AIDS is only the product of homosexual intercourse.
AIDS? How does AIDS factor in? Oh yeah, I forgot! Gay people don’t suffer from non-gay sex related maladies. If a same sex couple needs health benefits, it must be from all that AIDS they’re spreading around. Is there any way to construe this as anything but bigotry?
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Who is Mark Andre Clements ? Maybe a pen name ? The Salvation Army does good work,God fearing & is morally sound.Its not into the occult,etc,nor does it employ Gays for a number of good reasons,especially around food as most Gays are infected with either HIV,or Aids.Who wants to contract this plague ?
Sad to see uneducated people take stabs at a great organization just because they don’t agree on something. Rather nice list of harmful things that are not correct. No bother pointing out the millions of people they save and help on a daily basis. The best thing that the salvation army has taught me is to love people like this the most, cause they need it the most. DEAR AUTHOR WHO WROTE THIS. JESUS AND THE SALVATION ARMY STILL LOVES YOU NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU DISLIKE THEM
It is my understanding that the Salvation Army is supposed to be a Christian Organization..People who have turned their lives around for God are supposed to be given second chances..but I guess that only applies if they can be used by the Army for their own purposes or you are a valued volunteer. Heaven help you if you’ve been volunteering there for a year or more and apply to be hired on..You don’t stand a chance!
I think this is very sad to read. Someone writes these things and directs it at entire company when it is not true. There are many branches to the Salvation Army Corporation and not all adhere to the same social norms, you are just describing the extremes. I work at a Salvation Army Store/ARC. We are equally hiring, we also support gay marriage, and gay hiring. Our ARC has had quite a few homosexuals, lesbians and transgender. While some people within the programs are not so pleasant to these members (they are also rehabilitating users, so they are not always in the right mind), but the overseers always treat everyone the same, regardless of sexual orientation, and are given all the same rights as everyone else within the program. We are a self sustained store, meaning the money we make goes directly to help those rehabilitating, the church in which is also run by the store, and finally paying for everything else that runs the store. It was hurtful to see this post and know that some people will read this and see it as true when in fact it is not. Yes, when you have religious organizations there are bound to be actions that one may not agree with who do not have a religious affiliations, such as myself, but not everyone (or every store in this case), conducts itself the same. I work at an East coast Salvation Army branch, my boss is a gay hairdresser (sober four years), one of my coworkers is also gay and I am an atheist. Do not believe everything you see. We are still out there trying to do the greater good, even while others like us seem as though they aren’t.
this article gives the facts..face it…
The Salvation Army has a history of right wing authoritarianism. They embraced Hitler in Germany in the 1930s, they practiced segregation in their facilities in the South until it became illegal to do so. As one would expect from a para-military organization, they have a strong tendency towards fascism.
I worked for them, as a retail store manager. In a 8 month period, I upped sales (with six less employees) by 102.000.00. My pay was terrible. If someone didn’t show up, I was to work. If I didn’t I would get wrote up, but if I did, and clocked in after 40 hours, I would get wrote up. I had just lost my business to the Iowa Flood, 2008, and had moved to take our kids out of a dangerous area, so we were paying 1 house payment and rent for the 2nd safe location. So I had to deal with it. My employees were making minimum wage, so I asked to give them raises, because saved 21,000.00 in payroll. Nope. They were not rewarded,. nor myself for hard work, dedicated service. Only threats.
You would be amazed how they spend the money. It isn’t for the good either.
Salvation Army looks at women as secondary to men. If a husband and wife work as majors in this non profit, the check goes in…ready…they husbands name. You cannot imagine how much non profit gets away with. (Just like Goodwill- 5 billion dollar in revenue-is allowed with not paying minimum wage)
As a major, you get your housing free, car free, college free, and get a paycheck. The employee makes 7.25 per hour, and does not get full time hours. They are to only be allowed 29 hours. If they get more then that….oh boy..a write up. When your employee has to go to the food bank weekly because they don’t even get a chance to be full time. Then they are never allowed to get any benefits. If more help is needed, then you hire more part time. It is such a greedy messed up system.
the key word is “forced”. Forced to go against what they stand for by mandate of the U.S. government. yeah. Waisting your breath on this patriot. I still use google despite it’s gay rights support, but I ABSOLUTELY BANNED the use of firefox in my home for infringing on the rights of one of it’s founders to pursue his own political agenda with HIS OWN MONEY, on his own, without representing the company, YEARS before it was illegal (because lets face it) to speak out (freedom of speech???????????) against gay and les union is illegal now (even if it’s not “on the books”). Destroying his right to believe that only a man and a woman should be married. You can go against God all you want. It’s your right, and telling you otherwise would violate your freedom of speech. But forcing someone (or an entity) to go against their core beliefs is a total violation of their freedom of religion. Yeah… freedom of religion… as long as it’s not Christianity. Islam, Hinduism, Wicca, Voodoo, whatever you want to do, but not Christianity. Ever ask why. Don’t speak out against Islam, or you’re an Islamaphobe. Don’t say you believe gay sex is a sin, or your a homophobe. The media attacks Christianity, but everyone else is safe. Ever wonder why?
SO, all of your arguments against the salvation army are against their religious beliefs… that’s becoming “old hat” very quickly in the modern mindset. Talk about bigotry. You must accept things that are against your belief system because we say so. We are going to shut you down if you don’t. Hey, gay is not a race. Also what POSSIBLE difference could it really make to you if the salvation army, or anyone for that matter, thinks that Harry Potter is evil? What if I said I think Jay Z is evil. Would you, perhaps, agree with me? What about people who obviously ARE evil, and even claim to be like Marilyn Manson… Charles Manson… What if an organization thinks that Coconuts are evil? If you don’t, that’s fine. BUT LET THE COMPANY THINK THAT COCONUTS ARE EVIL.
I’m donating more to the Salvation Army. I didn’t realize they were a Christian foundation. I also read that more of Salvation Army’s donations go to help the needy rather than the CEO of charities. Look at United Way, their headquarters look like the front of the capital building. Look at the percentages going to
charities and the percentages going to the administration. You will get a really big shock!
This is nothing more than a pathetic attempt from a bitter queen to try to sally the good name of an organization that has helped so many people throughout the years. You don’t have to believe what they believe. It is a faith based organization who base their beliefs on their interpretation of the scripture. They haven’t hurt anyone directly by their “Supposed” discrimination… it is not discrimination… it is exclusion which is different. This organization would help any gay person who needed their help. It has one of the highest percentages of contibutions actually going to the needy of any organization… 93%…. whereas Red Cross, United Way, Goodwill and Unicef all have less than 15% of their contibutions actually getting to the needy. Take your politics elsewhere….this is a worthy organization. If the gay community wants to stop giving go ahead but I doubt many give to this organization anyway…. your money goes to your own community… which is fine, keep it!
If you don’t jump up in down in joyous rapture about homosexual perverts…..you are evil. No, really. I just read the article! You aren’t allowed to have principles, morals, an ethical code, backbone. Not allowed.
You must accept the drivel the politically correct thought police decide is good for us. Get used to it, or get a gun.
That place HATES WHITE MALES,I was kicked out onto the street in -45c due to me refusing to allow a racist floor staff memeber to mistreat me,they have people here in London Ont selling drugs in the lobby right in front of staff and they do nothing,people openly shooting up with needels and they dont care,all they care about is getting money to run thier cult,this place does nodeserve any money and i will be making sure everyone knows that when they have a kettel drive that it is all a scam,they do NOT HELP THE HOMELESS OR THE POOR,they only care about useing the poor to rake in the $1000,s of millions of dollors.
Well, after reading this article I want to donate to them
This whole discussion is pathetic! Whether a religion supports gay rights or not does give you the right to slander the Salvation Army over their own religious beliefs. The fact remains that they do serve a very good cause. I can testify that by being a witness myself. I remember going to the Salvation Army Store when I was in my early 20’s and they allowed me to take the cloths I needed for free. I recently called them about getting a bed for a girl who needed one badly because her basement was flooded three times and couldn’t afford a new bed and her bed had mould on it. I was surprised when I was told they give out free brand new beds to those who qualify and have proof of their situation they are in. The Salvation Arm Store told me we had to go to the church to get the bed. The world wants us to except the Muslim religion into our countries, such as their Sharia Law, turbans on their heads and wearing the appropriate uniform for their job position, their ladies walking in public with their face covered, etcetera, but no one wants to allow other religions to have their freedom of religious beliefs. Everybody is expecting all the rest of the religions to change their beliefs and except the gay people and the transvestites! I totally disagree with that and everybody should be allowed to choose their own religion and beliefs they feel comfortable with. That is what freedom is! There is nothing here I can agree with here, for me not to support the Salvation Army and I do not even go to church. Every type of religion should be allowed to form their own beliefs as long as it is not able to create a risk or a danger to the general public, such has covering your face in public. Unless it is bloody cold, which gives you a good probable cause to cover your face, it should not be allowed so if you do commit a crime you can be identified and reported to the police.
this makes me want to donate to them right now