Remember The Legacy Of George Bush

1. Economy Made Few Gains in Bush Years, Washington Post
2. Bush Administration Adds $4 Trillion To National Debt, CBSNews and Economic Policy of George Bush: Effect of policies on federal budget deficit and national debt, Wikipedia
3. Economic Policy of George Bush: Effect of policies on federal budget deficit and national debt, Wikipedia
4. Job Growth Under Bush Much Slower Than Under Clinton and Reagan, Fox News
5. Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy, The Atlantic and Poverty Statistics, US Census Bureau
6. More uninsured, but blame skewed, Politifact and The Lost Decade, DLC
7. Middle-Class Life Under Bush: Less Affordable and Less Secure, DPC Senate Reports
9. Current Gas Prices and Price History, Gas Price Chart, and High oil prices? Weak dollar? Blame Bush, Politico
10. Middle-Class Life Under Bush: Less Affordable and Less Secure, DPC Senate Reports
13. Economic Policy of George Bush: Trade policy, Wikipedia and Bush’s Eight Years in Office, Washington Post
14. High oil prices? Weak dollar? Blame Bush, Politico
17. America’s Image in the World: Findings from the Pew Global Attitudes Project>, Pew Research and In 18 of 21 Countries Polled, Most See Bush’s Reelection as Negative for World Security, BBC News
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See Also: Bush Still Gets More Blame Than Obama for the Economy, The U.S. Department of Blame America First, It’s the (Bush) economy, stupid, It’s All George Bush’s Fault, Obama is a victim of Bush’s failed promises, How the War Depresses the U.S. Economy, Is the Economy a Casualty of War?, There’s a reason we need to keep reminding people about George W. Bush, Stephanie Miller et al Blame Bush For 2010 Gulf Oil Rig Disaster, Praise Obama, and Today’s debt scolds were yesterday’s surplus scolds.
[tags]president bush, president george w. bush, remember george bush, bush legacy, economy, economics, wall street crash, depression, recession, 2008 crash, statistics, figures, stats of the bush presidency, facts, iraq war, afghanistan war, oil, petrol, gas prices, united states, america[/tags]
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