United We Stand — Moonbounce Edition
As I was reading my daily liberal periodical, I came across an article about Hillary Clinton’s latest fundraiser / block party in downtown DC. While the article was rather mundane, a particular snippet caught my attention:
The elements for a youthful event were all there: a juggler, face-painting (a custom Hillary heart design was available), blow-up Uncle Sam dolls, the vendor selling Red Bull and, of course, the “United We Stand” moon bounce.
There is a United We Stand moonbounce. Repeat, there is a mother fucking United We Stand MOONBOUNCE. And I have been lucky enough to find a picture of this travesty to humanity and all things decent:

If we keep up at this pace, I’ll be seeking Osama Bin Laden for intellectual guidance in the near future. Bonus: Check out this choice Washington Post photograph of kids at the Hillary