This Could Be Americas [Mother-Fucking] Vice President
Posted on September 3, 2008 in Articles

Bask in this America: A drunk, countrah-fied idiot from the backwoods of Alaska could be your next President if the ticking time bomb that is John McCain’s heart (/soul) explodes in the next 4 years. And you thought George Bush was bad…
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See Also: The Second Front: McCain-Palin v. Obama-Biden and the MSM, Hilarious Sarah Palin YouTube Video, McCain, Palin, and the Augean Party, Track: another classy member of the Palin family, Liveblogging the Palin Speech, and Sarah Palin’s Family in the Media.
[tags]john mccain, sarah palin, drunk redneck, guns, creationism, republicans, rnc, convention, neptotism, tokenism, hilarious picture, photo, ak47[/tags]
Take the log from ur own eye before pointing out the splinter in someone else’s.
I have a very bad feeling about this chick…goodness only knows what other skeletons are gonna come out of her closet.
BTW, please put on some clothes…you are a mother, and you don’t have the body for that swimsuit.
This is fake.
Jen, whoever you are, I want to marry you.
Also, you’re fake Alex. And you made me cry. Now are you happy??!?!?
We Built This City On Blogs [I’m sorry]…
Let’s jump right into this thing. As we know, we have a God-loving, ‘Tard-making Alaskan governor about to possibly become the next Vice President (plus she looks hot in a USA A-OK bikini). And like all good Christians, she hates books:
she is a cunt
You niggers are so easy to fool. That’s why the Obama should never set foot in the white house. That is a photoshopped picture niggas! You can bring them to america but you can’t make em smart.
Niggers are just going to be niggers! They can’t help it. Born that way. Stupid.
That is not coherent English.
PS. I heart real life photoshop?
He who used the N word is the ignorant one, do’nt be mad because there is a black president, We are all the same whether you are willing to admit it or not.
i’ll buttfuck her till her nose bleeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooo.. what’s wrong with this picture aside from the punchline? I mean, we live in the Land of the Free right? She has the right to have fun and the like… you can’t judge a book by it’s cover… or lack thereof.
I saw this really great post today….
really good share…
really great share…
really good share…
Thanks, keep up the good work…
Also nice collection you got here:)…