Who Is Julian Assange?

Have you seen the cartoon where the hero repeatedly avoids disaster by a whisker? Meet Julian Assange. He looks more like the evil nemesis to Austin Powers than a man who strikes fear into the hearts of world leaders. Tall, skinny and pasty white, he makes you want to rush him to the hospital for an infusion of Vitamin D. Whatever he is, Australian Julian Assange has captured the imagination of the world with his release of 250,000 diplomatic cables from the US Department of State.
Many wonder how he’s able to fly unimpeded in this day of increased airport security. He regularly travels internationally with the ease of a foreign dignitary, yet in April Wikileaks released a classified video of a US Apache helicopter firing indiscriminately on Iraqi civilians. Two Reuters News Service employees were shown killed in the attack.
The video was leaked to Assange by Pfc. Bradley Manning who now faces 52 years in prison under Articles 92 and 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and awaits an Article 32 hearing. While Manning languishes in a Marine brig at Quantico, Virginia, Assange travels throughout the world unmolested.
That leak was followed by the release of 92,000 documents known as the Iraq and Afghan War Diaries in July. While Assange’s source in this leak has yet to be identified, no charges have been filed against him in this matter, either.
Only this week WikiLeaks released 250,000 classified US State Department cables, revealing some of the most sensitive and embarrassing material yet. A warrant for his arrest has finally been issued, but not by the United States — Sweden issued a warrant on a month old rape allegation. Despite the fact that he illegally possesses hundreds of thousands of classified US documents, it’s a sexual deviancy charge that’s landed him on Interpol’s most wanted list.
There are those who say it’s impossible to charge Assange with the crime of espionage because the laws governing it have become antiquated. The absurdity of that claim is laughable. Assange is in possession of classified US State Department and military documents in violation of several existing criminal codes, and could be arrested and tried for his actions. Possession is possession, whether it’s a piece of paper or bits and bytes.
He’s in violation of laws for which he can be arrested in the United States, and he’s visited countries with whom we have mutual extradition treaties, so why doesn’t America attempt to arrest him? He’s committed crimes against the United States, a country that openly practices extraordinary rendition and torture. How can he still be alive, let alone free? There are three possible scenarios.
The first, Assange is exactly as he appears, and that is one of the most providential men on the face of the earth. Despite living in a world filled with satellite technology, that he travels openly on his own passport, and has one of the most recognizable faces on the planet, somehow he’s just slippery enough that he manages to escape in the nick of time. Virtually every police agency in the world covets him, yet by sleeping on the couch at a friend’s apartment he confounds them all. Anyone who’s ever tried to avoid an ex-wife knows the fallibility of that strategy.
Second, maybe he has a benefactor greasing the skids for him. Is there any individual, George Soros or Rupert Murdoch maybe, that has the influence to protect Assange? How about a consortium of corporations? It appears, even though many of these things happened on George W. Bush’s watch, that the timing has been most inopportune for Barack Obama. Could it be a Republican assault on the president? Certainly, someone in Assange’s position that’s brazen enough to appear on TEDGlobal 2010 in front of a live audience in July has an unnatural sense of invulnerability, but is it being provided by a third party?
Third, and the one I’m pulling for, is that Assange possesses a digital weapon of mass destruction, rigged with a dead man’s switch, that makes him unassailable. Possibly he’s come into possession of information that, if revealed, would so completely disrupt the status quo that nobody knows what to do about him. If you watched Clinton as she denounced Assange and his document release, you could see that she was visibly shaken. Politicians live for face time in front of the camera: it’s how they spread their brand. However it was obvious Clinton wanted to be anywhere other than where she found herself.
Bolstering this possibility could be Assange’s connection with Peiter Zatko, who currently works at the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), trying to find a way to stem the flow of leaks. When asked about their past relationship, Assange replied, “No comment.” You have to wonder if these two still talk, and if so, what about. Could Assange’s boldness have something to do with his relationship with Zatko? You can’t get much further inside than DARPA.
There was another possibility, and that was Assange was purely political theater, established to distract people and make them believe they had a real hero out there. Like the WWE has good guys and bad guys, he would give us all someone to root for while really doing little of consequence. However after watching Clinton’s performances, she appears too rattled for that to be the case. This isn’t theater.
Assange’s lifestyle should make his disappearance easy. If he went missing, a majority people would assume that he came to his senses and slipped into hiding. There would be conspiracy theories, but nothing could ever be proved unless they found a body.
In fairness, the United States has not been the sole target of Assange’s efforts. His revelations of the illegal activities of Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi shifted the polls by 10 points and cost Moi the election. He also revealed concerns about Iceland’s intelligence organization, and helped that country to establish an international media haven for whistleblowers:
Reykjavik, Iceland; 4:00 UTC, June 16th 2010: The WikiLeaks advised proposal to build an international “new media haven” in Iceland, with the world’s strongest press and whistleblower protection laws, and a “Nobel” prize for Freedom of Expression, has unanimously passed the Icelandic Parliament.
So Assange has not restricted his efforts to the United States, however recently it seems to have been his main focus. Wikileaks will soon release information on a “major American bank,” stating the information to be leaked is “like the Enron e-mails,” and much more voluminous than anything he’s released on a private company in the past. He claims it’s possible this leak will bring the bank down and have a profound change on worldwide banking in the future.
It’s hardly hyperbolic to say that the people at whom Assange so cavalierly thumbs his nose have no problem killing to protect what’s theirs. Medgar Evers, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King: they were all eliminated for being obstacles. Assange has surely crossed over into the same territory as those icons, yet he lives, at least so far. He either has a guardian angel or he knows where all the bodies are buried in Washington, DC.
As if to drive home the point that he’s untouchable, Assange gave an interview to Time magazine via Skype on Tuesday regarding his recent document release, and suggesting that Hillary Clinton should resign as Secretary of State. He’s on Interpol’s most wanted list, yet he still gives interviews. This guy is holding trump cards, and a lot of them, and he acts like he knows he has a winning hand.
For all of our sakes, I hope he’s right.
Larry Wohlgemuth was raised during the tumultuous 60s in the midst of sometimes violent civil rights and antiwar protests. After a stint in the Air Force during the Vietnam War, he earned a BBA degree from Washburn University. Wohlgemuth leans so far to the left he prefers to be called “Comrade”, and his book, “Capitalism’s Final Solution” is planned to be released in the spring, 2011. Larry is a contributor to Prose Before Hos and runs his own blog, It Begs the Question.
Wow, this makes a lot fo sense dude, very good stuff indeed.
Thanks. I just don’t see how this guy keeps walking around with the stuff he does.
He does have that file that a lot of people have downloaded. I wonder what is in it. I think its encrypted and if he ever comes up missing or dead someone will send out the decryption key or something like that. Probably something to do with aliens (wink wink).
i bet his trump card is the contents of the encrypted wikileaks insurance file
You know, I had read about that a while back but forgotten. Retroscifigeek above had the same idea. Whatever it is, it’s got lots of people with lots of firepower unwilling to cross him.
I have a question. Since Wikileaks and Julian Assange are no longer the only people who have this information in their hands, is it therefore a legitimate inference that you believe that The Guardian, New York Times, and every news station and site that has published the information to make it more widely available, should be arrested upon the charge of espionage?
It is for that reason that Julian Assange shall never be brought to trial for coming into possession of these documents. Any other opinion is just not thought out, or misinformed.
Actually that question was addressed with the release of the Pentagon Papers, so no, they should not. However I believe that those powers, while forced to accept the mainstream media’s status, they do not necessarily feel similarly constrained when it comes to Wikileaks. His bona fides as part of the media are fuzzy at best. However, lest you have any misunderstanding, I am THRILLED about Assange’s actions. I write merely from the point of view of what I would expect, not what I desire. I can’t believe this guy still walks free.
Ah, I must have incorrectly read that; my apologies in that respect.
However, he is technically a journalist, so he does have direct ties to the media. I am surprised that he walks free, but it is unlikely that he will continue to walk free for much longer, especially after InterPol issued the Red Card on Mr. Assange, and I dread what may happen should he be caught. He is a marked man, especially by the United States government, and various other governments, as well as many civilians in countries. Should he be caught and paraded in front of the media, it is in my opinion that we may have another situation that can only be likened to Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald, though Assange has never killed anyone.
I think that when we find out if he is bluffing on his digital bomb of mass destruction, there may be many who wish they had not crossed him. Listening to this guy, I don’t see him as the type to run a bluff. He comes across as all substance to me. We will know if he is grabbed by Interpol only to be suddenly released with no explanation.
Uhh…the dead man’s switch was something he announced and distributed by encrypted torrent over a week ago.
The file’s existence was made known, however this guy has been releasing damaging info on the US since April. There is something more than that file. Assange has some people very frightened, people not used to being frightened.It’s a dangerous albeit exciting time to be alive. Reminds me much of the 60s.
great article!
Are you following the twitter hashtag #cablegate? Have you had the opportunity to read some of the op-ed pieces in the Guardian or other sources ranking in Digg or Reddit? I suspect that there is a large bulk of the puzzle pieces that you may be missing which may provide some clarity.
As a sidebar, I’m not sure the conspiracy you are proposing exists as you describe. It may, but, under different nuance. I note that you imply other people who where all “eliminated” by some nefarious organization …. Candidly, that rings of Glenn Beck punditry
I somewhat resent the implication of Beck, although any time you talk of potential conspiracy you risk being lumped by knee jerk reactions. Those I listed clearly were killed, and clearly had serious enemies who wanted them dead. Since we have no definitive proof about the events surrounding their deaths, and since there is widespread agreement that the “official versions of events” are suspect, to assume that they were killed by one group or another hardly rises to the level of calling anyone with whom you disagree a Nazi.
Right now, to believe that any one source has more insight than another is merely wishful thinking. I don’t believe anyone has a notion about Assange’s motives. It’s why I only commented on the observable and suggested some possible explanations, pointing out the one I found most desirable. Since he’s not chosen to confide his motivations, all we have are questions.
BTW, you might want to look at the lives and deaths of the people I listed, and you may change your opinion on what happened to them, and my conclusions. Peace.
It was not my intention to draw a parallel between to you and Mr Beck ideologically other than the method you employed in lumping all of the deaths together is similar to his methodology. That is where it begins and ends. Method does not mean to imply that you subscribe to his ideology merely that by limping together all of those names you used his method,…. That is what I implied.
Again, the above comment is a sidebar and I would prefer that we stayed on point with regard to your other commentary.
certainly the Afghans and other have been suggesting for the last 36 hours or so that this is a plan by the US. That suggestion started Sunday nite although I cannot remember where at this point. …and that was truly the point of my comment. You are correct that no single source has the answers. However, I suspect that if you follow some of the details and commentary on the hashtag you will see more streams and rivulets of information ebbing and cresting as some gain traction, other die and rise again. Somewhere in all of those details is a rather deeper story. ….and I suppose we can only wait and watch as the narrative evolves.
Again, I’m not suggesting you are wrong or right. I think you have it on some key points but you are only scratching the surface. Peace to you my friend.
Meant only to disagree, and not be disagreeable. No problems here. BTW, I have long maintained that if this world were ever to get straightened out it would be by a hacker. The reliance on technology creates so many of Rumsfeld’s “unknown unknowns” that it boggles the mind. Heck, one of his old hacker buddies, Zatko (Mudge), works for DARPA. Did they have an agreement 20 years ago? This is such a large chessboard that no one can guess, and it’s got lots of people spooked, and these are people not used to being spooked. I for one expect fireworks, and the powers will eventually, as they always do, resort to force, and we’ll find out what Assange’s ace in the hole really is. Take care, mand.
Now is the winter of our discontent…
Very procative sir! I like the status quo because I don’t know how else it would be, but I would like to see a global shake up because it would open a lot of people’s eyes which is fixated on dance with the stars and the Kardashians and the like!
His key card is a secret file on Osama Bin Laden. It contain the secret locations of all Al-Qaida. This is his get out of jail card.
I was with you until you stated that Mr. Assange “possesses hundreds of thousands of classified US documents. This is unequivocally not true. Not a single document of the 251287 documents was classified. In fact, they were all available to anyone regardless of level of security clearance, on the state department intranet. Mr. Assange has not committed espionage or any other chargeable crime. Some real journalism minus the hype, would be a welcome respite.
There’s lots more out there.
I’m waiting for the leak on the American TSA. I’m still waiting for the jackboots and armbands.
I find myself in agreement, Pete!
The question that comes to my mind is…
Is there something so damaging that every country with reason to silence Assange is afraid to touch him (evidence of extraterrestrials, evidence of an impending world-ending disaster, evidence of a shadow government, etc), does he have so much information that he has the goods on *everyone*, or is it simply that every corporation, country, and organization that might have him disappeared knows they have dirty little secrets and are afraid they have them too.
Unfortunately, we’ll probably find out sooner, rather than later. The world holds many less official threats than waking up in a secret prison with a black bag over your head. Eventually he’s going to encounter some nut, mad with patriotism, or he’s going to embarrass a country or group that either has nothing to lose or thinks he’s bluffing.
Regardless, I have to agree that his continued freedom (and life), despite having more high profile enemies than Kim Jong Il, is evidence of a nuclear option in his arsenal. Unfortunately, the problem with nuclear options is that you don’t dare use them, because there’s no going back.
He’s becoming a folk hero, and it may be that it’s simply too late to kill him without making him a martyr.
I think many are asking that! Maybe it’s a case of “wait, don’t stick him with a radioactive isotope yet, let’s see what he has on these other guys that WE can use.”
Bernard, if they are thinking that way I would suggest they are light years behind the curve, although you are probably correct that they don’t see it that way. This is a group of people that have never had to play defense, so they might not even recognize that they are in that position.
…THAT is actually the scary part….
Dave, I think Assange may have anticipated this moment in his life. He invented what is known as Rubber-hose cryptanalysis, with his Rubberhose deniable encryption system, recognizing the user as the weak link in cryptography. Listening to this guy, and by the very fact that he lives, it’s difficult to imagine he’s not prepared himself for every conceivable potentiality. My guess is the insurance file is merely a ruse. Imagine he has set an information bomb to be released should he fail to log into his systems every 24 hours. He goes to prison where he cannot log in and Poof, the world is litter with a push of data. Or what if this guy can take down NORAD? Or seize control of all land-based nuclear missiles? With technology the possibilities are endless, but the fact he is still free says a lot about how afraid he makes people.
Magnificent article…well-written and researched! Please include more by this reporter.
Well written articles such as this one by L. Wohlgemuth is exactly what people need to read about. Well written, factually balanced, and impartial, at long last a fresh site for daily reading. I’m now a fan of Larry and PBH. Keep up the great work.
assange is an agent of rothschild
peace x
Arrest every news anchor, every newspaper writer, and every other person who receives information. What he is doing is not new, it’s been done before. The only difference is that this guy does not censor his material, he says this is what I’ve been given and here it is. He should be praised for what he is doing and how he is showing the world that our Government is corrupt and deceitful.
I bet you are the type of person who thinks the internet, books, news, and every other form of information should be censored by the government because “they know what’s best and it keeps me safe”.
I guess you didn’t read the article, and you clearly missed my drift, but I DISTINCTLY hoped he had an information bomb of mass destruction to drop on those chasing him. Have a nice day.
Assange,and his fellow ieailwkks crew, Thanks, you are doing what needs to be done ! How could you do otherwise ? You are surely earning the respect of future inhabitants of this sick,hungry,tired and torn (quote : Bob Dylan) planet. keep on walkin and talken ! marchen to the freedom land. Paul J. Ostrowski Yakima ,Washington u. s. a.
[…] decided to write a follow-up on my piece about Julian Assange that was posted on the Prose Before Hoes website (thanks to all who read). It appears the noose is […]
I appreciated what Larry has written more for the factual information provided than for the rather tongue-in-cheek and slick marketing style of the piece.
One clear example is where it the author states: ‘….Assange travels throughout the world unmolested.’ That totally ignores the fact that he has received serious death threats so that his whereabouts can not be disclosed; that Wikileaks has been attacked by viruses to the point where Amazon.com removed it from its servers (ostensibly because of the virus issues, but who knows); that PayPal has closed its site to Wikileaks for donations; and that Interpol has him identified as a person who can be charged in any number of countries for alleged sexual assault charges that are highly questionable and may indeed be a smear campaign to discredit the messenger. (Prosecuters in Sweden have been invited to correspond with his lawyers in an effort to resolve this matter, but so far have not responded according to one of his lawyers (interview available on DemocracyNow.org, Dec. 10, 2010). It is at this time only the opinion (and obviously the wish) of some that he has been convicted of any law anywhere. To say he’s on Interpol’s ‘most wanted list’ without explaining what that means precisely is conveying misinformation about his current legal status in the context of this piece. There are no warrants for his arrest as far as I know. Hence he is free to travel except for his need to keep his whereabouts secret because of safety concerns.
Mr. Wohlgemuth’s piece also makes claims that are false. It’s not an absurdity to say the crime of espionage is antiquated in this case. If Assange is pursued for that (and there is no conviction against him anywhere in the world at this time so extradition proceedings lack any foundation), the major newspapers that have also released the information around the world, including the N.Y. Times, the Guardian, etc., etc., and any person who has actually a copy of such a newspaper or has even read the ‘classified information’, would also have to be pursued under the U.S. act. Moreover, the ubiquitous internet was unknown when the espionage acts were written in countries that have them and would reciprocate with the U.S. so to consider them toothless in the 21st century is not exactly an absurd notion.
I personally find the suggestion that this whole thing is a setup to possibly discredit the current U.S. administration, help media sales pick up, funded by some wealthy business tycoons, etc. -to be the weakest attempt at a conspiracy theory ever…. It may even serve to discredit Assange and Wikileaks if you think about it. Such conjectures to help fill the lines of an article can too easily move the general public to a place where we say, “We’ll never know what’s behind all this, so why should I spend more time looking into it at all.” If you put forth a conspiracy theory, it should at least be backed up by something more than inaccuracies.
Assange’s connection with Peiter Zatko is something I did not know about, but it seems irrelevant when you consider that the disclosed documents by Wikileaks were classed in such a low secrecy category that thousand upon thousands of persons, even persons with minimal security clearance like Bradley Manning had access to them. So one hardly needed someone in DARPA to get s hold of the information. If Hillory Clinton was shaken up, it was most likely because of this problem in the U.S. How can you disseminate important information to the thousands around the world in embassies, etc. who need to know the information, while keeping it tightly secret?
I applaud Larry for posting the video interviews with Assange further down the page and for the other factual information about him. I also concur with his conclusion that we need to wish Mr. Assange all the best as a person who has the conviction and deep sense of moral ethics to offer an anonymous conduit for whistleblowers to safely expose the corruption, the war crimes, and the crimes against humanity within their armed forces, their corporations, and their governments. For those who want to link to Wikileaks web site while others are doing everything possible to shut down the messenger, just type Wikileaks portal own address into your web browser: If that fails for any reason, just go here:
It is, like I said, the ubiquitous internet combined with the guts of individuals who are willing to take risks, that make it possible for you and me to learn what our tax money is really being used for!
Juergen, I guess you missed the entire point of my post, but you sure did invest a lot of time on something you found so uninformative. Guess I just don’t have time for that. Anyhow, thanks for stopping by.
“Tall, skinny and pasty white”
Really? All things political and ethical aside, he is very handsome. Wikileaks can easily go on without him, but if he was not charismatic he would not be singled out to the same extent.
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