Soldier Leaves His Baby Daughter A Note Before Going To Afghanistan

Before departing for a tour in Afghanistan, First Lieutenant Todd Weaver left a note to his 9 month year old daughter. Todd Weaver was killed on September 9, 2010 by an improvised explosive device. The letter to his daughter reads:
Dear Kiley, My Sweetie:
Although you may not remember me, I want you to know how very much your Daddy loves you. I left for Afghanistan when you were 9 months old. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. You are so very special to me sweetie – you are truly a gift from God. The best day of my life was the day you were born. Every time I saw you smile my heart would just melt. You were my sweetie – my life was not complete until you were born.
I am so sorry I will not be able to see you grow up. But remember, your Daddy is not gone. I am in heaven now smiling down on you every day. You are so very lucky to have such a wonderful Mom to take care of you. Make sure you are good for her and help her out whenever you can. Always remember to say your prayers at night and be thankful for all your many blessings. Never forget how important and special you are to so many people. We love you so very much. When you get older and start school, do your best and try to learn as much as you can about the world you live in. Always be nice and caring to others and you will discover that the world will be nice to you. But when things aren’t going your way, never forget that God knows what is best for you and everything will work out in the end.
You have such a bright and beautiful future ahead of you. Have fun. Enjoy it. And remember, your Daddy will always be proud of you and will always love you. You are and will always be my sweetie.
With very much love,
Your Daddy
This is incredibly sad!! My eyes were filled with tears within the first few sentences!!
Hell I am at work reading this on my break and I have to hide the redness in my eyes now! Damn that was tough to read, I couldn’t imagine trying to write something like that
As a father who just had a baby girl in November I can say this might be the saddest fucking thing I’ve read
My daughter was born in August and I couldn’t agree more.
Albert: Maybe you can clean up your potty mouth before your daughter begins to grow up and understand how gross you are!!
jackass mind your buisness
yes albert did you not see all of the sentences about god?
To long!.. did not read.
“Too”, you jackass.
Joel, you suck as a human being.
What’s the matter Joel? Not enough pictures?
He Can’t Read…. he can barley type
Why do you have the name “hater”? What do you hate? Might get more positive reactions if you used the opposite name…whaddaya think?
What a sad note. If the dad did write that note, did he already know he was going to die?
The second paragraph sounds like it was written after he died. That made it feel a little faked. Anyway, it does not change the fact that many are losing dads brothers and sons in the war against terror. Such a tragedy.
Before I deployed (same area & time as Lt. Weaver) I wrote a letter to my parents in a sealed envelope. I told them to put it in a safe deposit box and to only open it if I never made it back (I picked up the letter a little over a month ago and disposed of it). Some of the guys thought it was a bit morbid and didn’t do it, but I knew my family would appreciate one final form of communication. It’s not that you know you’re going to die, simply a possibility you accept.
My heart goes out to Lt. Weaver’s wife, daughter, and family. May god be with them.
A link…
“”He was a hard charger, he was a warrior and I volunteered. I wanted to go. I was in Bravo and I wanted to go to HBB and I wanted to take over his guys. They needed somebody, they didn’t have any NCOs,” Casey said. “I went out there and I got assigned to a squad and we started fighting. I was a foot and a half away from my [first lieutenant] when he stepped on an IED and he died of his wounds. As we progressed and took more ground, the next ground we took we named after him, Strongpoint Weaver, and that’s where I was fighting out of and that’s where I was living the night that I actually hit the IED myself.”
Read more: The Daily Tribune News – Adairsville native injured in Afghanistan”
tl;dr – love you, love you, god, pray, love you, sweetie, love you, god, god, pray, love you
I’m a sucker for stuff like this, but this didn’t move me. I just didn’t get the tears welling up in my eyes, or the choked up feeling that I normally get for everything remotely like this. But he must have been a wonderful father if he had to foresight to write this ahead of time. Sadly there are too many men out there that neglect and ignore the gift of fatherhood, while good caring fathers go off to war and die.
Joel, your nuts!! Read it anyway.
Asshole-grow a heart.
God bless you Kiley
thank you, she’s lucky to have had such a great man as her father
You are a asshat. To long?
Your post was about five words too long. Idiot!
To give your life to your country only to have a joke made of it makes me sick. I would love to be there at your funeral. I will make sure to bring a full bladder! Would only hope your headstone is shaped like a fire hydrant!
Internets…it’s serious business!
Are you a dog?
Excellent advice for anyone!
Sure it’s sad, but it’s because he’s an idiot for going, not because he was killed.
And even sadder:
All these americans voting for presidents that support war like they do.
BUT not a coward!!
Are you serious? He’s an “idiot” for going? He answered a calling much more noble than the strides you’ve ever taken to protect America’s freedoms, I’m sure. I’m writing this from the middle of a heat-drenched country named Afghanistan and it disgusts me to see a comment such as yours. I don’t agree with the war either, but my brothers and I answered a calling to protect people like you who write hurtful remarks on internet blogs from their parents’ basements. This isn’t like the corporate world where you can just “not go.”
Be appreciative of your coffee breaks and 8 hour work days.
Well said, and thank you.
While I have a ton of respect for our military and appreciate what they do for this country, I have to point out that it isn’t all to “protect America’s freedom.” Just saying, once again I have respect- for our president, military, etc.- but war decisions aren’t always made with such noble reasoning. If you look into it, much of the war can be linked back to our dependency on oil, we’re funding the other side of this war through our purchases of gasoline that support various terrorist groups. There are many reasons for every thing, try not to see things as black and white. Our freedom is one reason, but not the only. A=And this father’s note is wonderful, I wish he could be there for his child’s life…
KP – Well said,
So being a police officer or firefighter is less of a service then the military?? At least they fight the fight on home soil
I am sure there were other reasons but Oil was not one of them…
oil and Afghanistan. ha ha ha.
Thank you for saying that! I never realized how freely people say such hateful things before thinking about who reads them, i.e. the widow! But then again they probably wouldn’t care anyways. Apparently I have been hurt enough yet…
Your an idiot for posting. He signed up to Be a Solider I am sure hoping it never came down to going. But when he was called He didn’t back down to Fight for Idiots like you…
Stupid. Fuckin’. War.
Say it out loud.
You all have been duped into thinking these wars were necessary.
I’m not even from USA… I don’t know much about politics and stuff from other countries, all I know is our government is FOLLOWING whatever the other guys “down south” are doing. We are becoming a mess up here. They were video posted everywhere that OUR government is doing EXACTLY what Bush was doing… You think that’s scary? Fuckin’ A it is… USA is probably the most hated country in the World because of that, and Canada is about to follow their lead. Can’t believe I put 2 children on this earth, what hell are they going to live in…
yeah well you can leave anytime. Stop being part of the problem a start helping correct the problem. Putting the Blame on someone will fix anything….
he should have never left his family to fight for the wrong reasons. the only cause worth dying for is your family. refuse resist. people stop fighting wars for the wealthy, we are not their pawns.
Seriously there are more Idiots than I thought on this world
When a person signs up to be in the military, he/she does not have a choice on the war. It is an honorable, courageous thing to do. It should never matter if you agree with the war, you still support the troops. Yell, heckle, and argue with the government that entered into the war-but give the troops the credit that they have well earned. I am not a USA citizen (actually from Canada), but have enjoyed living in the USA for 8 years now. It is not technically my country, but I am grateful for every honorable soldier in this country. They fight to keep the freedoms of their country and yes, sometimes it is to keep the luxuries that the people have become accustomed to. It is what they have pledged to do, and they do it with courage and valor. If you can’t have the respect to acknowledge it, have the respect to keep your mouth closed. There is freedom of speech, but there is also common sense and common decency.
My thoughts are with First Lieutenant Todd Weaver’s daughter, wife and family…thank you for the ultimate sacrifice.
That letter rips my heart out. My husband was called back to active duty when my children were small. He had prepared letters for them incase he was deployed overseas. Thank goodness we were lucky enough to keep him here and as a mom i never had to share those letters with my daughters. My heart goes out to the families who have lost and will lose family members fighting for freedom. God bless you all and please come home safe.
janick723. First of all, I thank God your husband is safe. As someone who is a true Christian (true Christians to not hold tolerance and nonchalant acceptance of war as a “defense of country”, they only have compassion for all of humanity and don’t disregard Jesus’s admonition against the sin of violence, including war) Religious tones aside, to say the US. is “fighting for our freedoms” is the marketing spin by Pentagon/military contractors profiteering off all this violence and sales of weapons. Ironically, our sustained aggressive foreign policy has resulted in a direct DIMINISHING of all those ideals we have been fighting for (liberty, freedom, security and justice) the US. ranks lower in these areas than at least 10 other developed nations, BECAUSE of our deep pocket spending on “defense”. Are you prepared for your daughters to be among our next generation of soldiers out there? Keep in mind that I have exponentially more reason to feel horrified at prospect of my ONLY CHILD ever going to war than you do of either of your girls, because morally I am against war and I only have one precious child. (who is a boy, not that gender matters in todays “equal rights” world). Takes no physical power with all those taxpayer paid robots. I just wonder if people that so carelessly say “Support the Troops” without realizing the only real support is keeping those girls and boys safe from unwarranted political unrest, know that they are hypocrites if they cannot fathom their own children being next victims. It won’t be our sons of next generation when we don’t believe in sustaining these wars that are a sin against God, the Earth, humanity as a whole. don’t want your daughters to have to register for SS when they are 18? Gee, neither do any of us parents of boys. they are just as human. And they are being brought up to be braver, stronger, to say NO to the violence of war. Protect future children by signing this petition.
Thank you for your Support and thank you husband for his Service.
We need to stop nonchalantly saying these innocent young men and women are “fighting for their country” or “dying for their country”. they are needlessly dying for politically inspired special interests, while the military industrial complex gives the perpetual marketing spin to the public weal ” we are fighting for our security and freedoms”. The “war on terrorism” has resulted in the loss of more liberties and freedoms throughout America than just about any other time in history. (budget cuts in schools, hospitals/healthcare, social services) effecting all socioeconomic levels. Yet, here is another beautiful life lost. For what? A pawn for military profit? “Power”? Look at this gorgeous young man, with whole life in front of him. He did not deserve this any more than any woman his age. His daughter needs HIM at least as much as a mother. While the currently proposed Universal Services Act will include women in SS registration requirements and we are finally realizing in modern times we need to stop discriminating against young men (no more thinking (“Men=military”) This sexist, inhumane attitude has no place in todays “equal rights” world. No more taking human rights away from men by “requiring” them to register with SS to gain same rights as women (financial aid for college), why take away all the American people’s liberties and freedoms of choice? The little girl in this picture will likely be a soldier in future since she is brought up to believe in war. While better her than anyone’s son that is morally against killing people “for their nation”, why not make it an individual CHOICE whether she or other children of next generation should “register for SS”? Sign petition to abololish Selective Service, make military “service” truly a volunteer act for both genders. It could save your daughter or sons life, while saving taxpayer dollars into weapons and war put back into more beneficial areas
Just awful, who needs this? That really brought a tear to my eye.
Why do we still have wars? A great man once said, that if they want to have wars, the leaders and politicians should go to the battle field themselves and fight, not use civilians as pawns in phoney wars made to profit them. We all know about the NWO all to well, and its going to fail!
Very well said pir store! There is no reason any man or woman should be needing to leave such heartbreaking letters to their children. Children need their moms and Dads equally.
Fake – How could he write it before he left to afghanistan when in the letter it mentions that he is already dead.
He wrote it in case he died. There’s always a chance that he could go over and not make it. So in preparation of that risk, he wrote her this letter.
Thank you, that’s exactly why he did it
there are millions of Kiley’s in Afghanistan and Iraq because of you. What were you doing there in the first place, bringing democracy?
What goes around comes around…
Mike, I agree, we should not be in Iraq. Afghanistan is a different story on the other hand. I take it that you are not an American, so you do not know what the affect of terrorism has been to our country, our culture, way of life. The terrorists can pat themselves on the back for our troops being there. The Iraq war has been nothing more than a distraction to what we should have really been focusing on.
Just want to say, it’s pretty effed up that this man wrote this letter expecting to be dead and never see his daughter again. it speaks two levels of concern, was he mentally troubled and the army should have seen that in psych reviews…or was he sure he would die in such a terrible war?
It was not a letter about how much he loved his daughter and wife, it was a good by letter, almost a suicide note.
It’s a precaution. A lot of military do this when they’re sent to a war zone. Do 30 year olds who write a will think they’re about to die, or have a suicide/death wish? No. They’re being prudent. Eventually everyone dies of course, but being prepared for a tragedy is always something to consider, ESPECIALLY if you’re going to an active live fire area.
These troops are going to a war zone. People are dying, and whether or not you or anyone else agrees with them being there does not change the fact that at this moment, these men and women are in mortal peril.
Now this girl will grow up with something of her father, even if she can’t remember him. He did not have a ‘death wish’ nor was he suicidal. He was simply aware of the fact that he may not return and wanted his child to have something of him in the future should the worst happen.
Again, many military men and women prepare letters and notes like this for wives, husbands, parents, children, siblings and other loved ones or family they are close to.
You can’t really be this stupid, right?
if you must know Todd actually wrote the letters to us June 11th, 2010- he had been in Afghanistan less than a month and was motivated by what he was seeing everyday there to leave us with a lasting sense of peace should something terrible happen. But thanks for twisting that pure and selfless act into something somebody could only do if they were “mentally troubled”.
Stay out of the army, don’t support the war, resist
End the War(s) NOW!!!!
I so much wish this war would end and all our troops would come home today! I live in a military city and am a teacher, so I have seen many families affected by deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen, and deaths that have resulted from that…3 families just in my church alone, have lost the husbands/fathers. Just tragic! We have to remember that none of these servicemen and servicewomen are drafted; all have volunteered to join, and know they will probably be sent to war, in some capacity or another. Yet they still join and are committed to their beliefs and ideals. We may disagree with their choices, but we have to admire their courage to stand up for what they believe, and honor their lives whether they live or die because they ARE doing so for our country. And because of their sacrifices, we ARE safer than we would be without our armed forces, if we look at the big picture. I don’t want there to be any wars anywhere! but that won’t happen ever, because mankind is sinful and disagreements leading to violence leads to wars. Pray for our nation and its leaders, and for all leaders around the world to have wisdom and integrity in their roles in history. May we all practice peace in our daily lives.
if you can’t support our troops in a time of war get the hell out of my country
if you CAN support POLITICIANS in a time of UNJUST war get the hell out of my country
well said mike…
While it is extremely sad this little girl will grow up without her daddy physically in her life, it is wonderful he had the insight to write the letter. I pray this little girl will know Jesus as her Savior like her daddy does as then she will see him again some day!
Why did he go to Afghanistan?
Because he was a soldier in the army, and he got his orders to deploy to Afghanistan! His other choice was to go AWOL and be arrested and sent to military prison for refusing to go!
Because the Gov decided it needed to protect the big oil interests and their oil pipe to the Caspian Sea.
You know that makes no sense, right? As in, anyone who’s ever done any research, or, say, understands the most rudimentary elements of psychology and motivation, knows that Presidents and Congress don’t go into war for the hell of it, the US is not controlled by corporations, and we are in NO WAY protecting our oil interests by eliminating a ruthless genocidal dictator and evicting the Taliban from Afghanistan.
the breaks from reality come from them playing all the video games where they kill people like cops, etc. and play the ROLE of bad guys…get real people, conspiracies, really? Get a real life. Give your life for someone else, and you will then know what that means.
This is retarded, why would someone be so pessimistic before leaving to Afghanistan ?! If you know your going to die, whats the point of going? To defend your country? really? get real
F*@K !!!
this is madness. Perfectly good parents and families are being thrown into the meat grinder. The US should change strategy. You dont kill a fly with a canon. Sending so many troops over is just making them sitting ducks and more targets for the taliban and alqaeda. There should be more intel and local people doing the fighting. God Bless the families that lost loved ones and pillars of their families!!!!
The sad part is that, you see Middle East people has evil and you are the good guys?. Well let me tell you he was killed by people defending their homes and family. He could have killed some “Terrorist” but who cares?, the terrorist and theyr kids are evil and should be dead, don’t it USA?
I know there is a difference between a terrorist and an innocent Muslim. I think it’s disgusting how the government allows innocent children and women to be killed in order to get someone high on their list. Do the terrorists have the same regard for me and my family? They group all Americans into the same category, and that is as the enemy. I wish that I could say that I had faith if our troops left the Middle East, that there would be peace. But the Innocent Muslim civilians do not have the power to determine if there will be peace. It is up to the the terrorists.
I like what you are confused said and I think it’s something that many people just DON’T get. We don’t hate Muslims. We don’t hate the Arabian people. We don’t hate Iraqis, or Iranians or Afghans.
However, the terrorists DO hate westerners. All of us. Together. There is no separating westerners in the minds of these animals. Women, children, elderly, politicians, soldiers, it doesn’t matter. Whereas the US does what it can to avoid ‘collateral damage’, the terrorists that receive safe haven in these countries would actually find pleasure in targeting a bus full of women and children.
There’s plenty of argument to be made that this war is fueled by the oil concerns and I even agree that there is strong merit to that argument (of course this will be ignored I’m sure by every strong anti-war reader out there, so yay for the incoming “You’re a Bush lover!!” nonsense even though I think Bush set this country’s foreign relations back 50 years) the fact of the matter is the following:
9/10/01: The US was not involved in heavy, active military engagements in the Middle East. There was a presence there, of course, as the region has long been in flux, but there were no massive ground assaults currently being carried out.
Never forget that.
Iraq on the other hand is another matter. Fortunately, that’s not at issue here as this soldier was killed in Afghanistan 🙂
daddy, what did you leave behind for me?
“the wall”
I wish for the baby to Allah about her success in life and her good heath.
I am also
was he so sure he was going to die and he did?
I dont understand this
I hate war….May war end…but fat hope right ? that until ego,and greed still the governer of the heart.
By sending Dad,Mum,Brother,sister…your luv ones and friends to war,How you wished LAWS & ORDER in your hand right?…So you can stop them from going. 🙁
Doh in my generation and May i not see my future generation cry for one that to be comlpete in a family gone for war.
But your dad is world most wonderful dad…I felt for you and included you and your mum in my prayer for beautiful life and may war end … 🙂
[…] Collected by prosebeforehos […]
This is the story that make me cry when I read for the first time, how great is that soldier to his little daughter so that he wrote the letter to express his very big love to her. I believe that soldier now is seeing his daughter from heaven and always pray to God so that God always take care of her daughter. Thank u and GBU always!
Dear Daughter,
I was sent into a illegal war and I was killed. Please do the best you can to honor my memory by doggedly pursuing those in power who recklessly prosecuted this fool’s errand. I fought and died to protect the freedoms and way of life of Americans. Don’t let my legacy be tarnished by the ogres in power who abused my patriotism. I never supported torturing the enemy, but was powerless to stop those in command from ordering me to do so. I am relying on you and your generation to set things right.
aww so sweet…
On a serious note, he knew he was going to die? And for what cause?
War is the young and stupid being tricked into killing each other by the old and bitter.
Such a tragedy that lives like his are lost needlessly
There are plenty of old and bitter Afghanistans that do everything they can to kill young American soldiers. Those young men die and are dying for a reason.
Yes it’s sad, sure he has good foresight to plan a letter like this but really its all perspective. If you have a kid or you’re pro military or American even you’re gonna eat this up. Another perspective could see something entirely different. I see someone talking about fighting a holy war and explaining to her daughter that’s why she doesn’t get to grow up with a father.
I wrote a similar letter for my family. It’s such a horrible feeling writing such a letter. I’m glad no one ever read it.
all gave some…some gave all
My heart goes out to his family.
How did he know when he was leaving that he will die??? or he wrote it just in case??
still sad… but it’s his choice, so..
you can thank good old george bush, cheney rumsfield… etc.. for his death
Too bad there’s a typo…
Good dad. Makes my heart warm.
Bad war. Makes me very angry. Especially when it takes the lives of good dads.
I wonder how many Afgan children he killed before he got blown up.
i wonder how many women you’ve actually talked to in real life
al, love that comment…how true, sad, but true…just stay “in your parents’ basements” and make all the comments you want. nice.
What does THAT have to do with how many people this idiot soldier killed? How many guys did you blow this weekend AL? You’re a fucking moron…and your supportourtroops friend down here make even less sense…
I’ll dedicate my next abortion to this stupid dead fuck.
Pray pray pray, wah wah wah. Go “pray” to Cinderella, for that’s how real “god” is. Bahahaha!
aww did somebody bully your bitch ass a little too much at school today? or was your manager at burger king just too mean????
Good thing he’s dead. Whew!
too bad it wasn’t your father who was writing this letter, huh sneeze? then you might actually get it…but, you won’t. I pray you find the love that has obviously passed you by in life –
Someone tell sneeze to get the corncob out of his ass before he types
God Bless You. I pray some day both will sing…
Some of these comments are unbelievable, suicide note? really? obviously he was aware that not everybody who goes over there comes back he just prepared. As for those hippies out there you’re whats wrong with this great nation, if the way this country is ran bothers you that much do something about it or go to another country that will agree with you.
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Shouldn’t have left then and maybe started looking after the elderly and disabled at home, the most vulnerable people on this planet.
And it was good he was taken, God wanted it to happen, nothing here to be sad about. He is still smiling and will see his daughter again once she has passed away.
I haven’t cried like that since Titanic.
How many Afghans and Iraqis lost fathers and whole families thanks to Todd Weaver? He’s merely an expendable mercenary doing the dirty work of corrupt politicians and corporations like Boeing, KBR and Haliburton , at the expense of his own young family…idiot.
That was so sweet and beautiful
So God exists? Really?
Stupid Americans fighting for oil Companies
You’re an idiot! This soldier isn’t fighting for an oil company, he is fighting for freedom. Just like every single patriot serving OUR country!
Before I deployed (same area & time as Lt. Weaver) I wrote a letter to my parents in a sealed envelope. I told them to put it in a safe deposit box and to only open it if I never made it back (I picked up the letter a little over a month ago and disposed of it). Some of the guys thought it was a bit morbid and didn’t do it, but I knew my family would appreciate one final form of communication. It’s not that you know you’re going to die, simply a possibility you accept.
My heart goes out to Lt. Weaver’s wife, daughter, and family. May god be with them.
A link…
“”He was a hard charger, he was a warrior and I volunteered. I wanted to go. I was in Bravo and I wanted to go to HBB and I wanted to take over his guys. They needed somebody, they didn’t have any NCOs,” Casey said. “I went out there and I got assigned to a squad and we started fighting. I was a foot and a half away from my [first lieutenant] when he stepped on an IED and he died of his wounds. As we progressed and took more ground, the next ground we took we named after him, Strongpoint Weaver, and that’s where I was fighting out of and that’s where I was living the night that I actually hit the IED myself.”
Read more: The Daily Tribune News – Adairsville native injured in Afghanistan”
The military is no place for a family man.
What is it a place for? Everyone in the military is a family man..he/she may not have a husband/wife and kids but they sure as hell have parents and brothers/sisters that love them just as much!
This is sad. Poor Baby Girl. At least her Daddy is always with her
Fuck that army dad, he shouldn’t have had kids then go off to war. I hope he gets hit with shrapnel but only so he can become a POW and be starved for months. Then one of the guards will get sick of him and cut his fucking throat. also fuck that little girl
How dare u day that he is DEAD and he was doing his job to make his daughter proud, u never know in the army when u will be sent of.
Hey Jimmy, I’m an army dad fixing to head back to Afghanistan for another tour and father of three. You have the coconuts to stand in front of me and spew your venom at or on me? I bet you won’t get the same responses from me that you got from one of my brothers in arms who is helpless to say or do anything about it. Ive been doing this now for over 30 years. Why dont you man up and go do some time yourself and learn about respect and things like honor, integrity, and standing for something positive instead of opening your mouth and squarely reinforcing to everyone on the web just how big an uneducated idiot you are. You ever make it too Oklahoma city; look me up I would love too entertain you for awhile.
Karma points lost. Probably in the negative by now. Fuck you, Jimmycorninyourasshole.
That note from the Dad to his daughter, is just so absolutely cool. I hope he made it back, so he could be with his sweetie!
You didn’t read the whole thing, did you?
Waaa, I’m sad now. That is so touching I can’t help but water up. I’m going to look at kitties to cheer up now (@_@)
ist so sad
????? ?????????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????? ? ??????
I went to high school with both Todd and his wife Emma and now I am also serving in the Army. While Todd and I didn’t really keep contact much after graduation, I always knew that he would amount to something big in the future. And that is just what he did, he became a fantastic father to his daughter Kiley, a loving husband to his wife and finally a true American hero. Todd, my friend, rest in peace, please continue to look over all of us who serve our country.
thanks! Emma 🙂
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Soldier Leaves His Baby Daughter A Note Before Going To Afghanistan – Prose Before Hos…
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It’s been hyped by belief that leonardo da vinci slept leaving no room for forgetting an assignment….
how to stop snoring…
Soldier Leaves His Baby Daughter A Note Before Going To Afghanistan – Prose Before Hos…
[…] you. Know what you are looking for Believe me it is important that you first jot down the things you want in your man. Figure out the qualities you are searching for in a man. Know the type of man that interests […]