What’s the Point of a Hail Mary If You Can’t Catch The Pass?
Sarah Palin, with a 10% favorable rating, now has the lowest approval ratings of any candidate in the 2008 election [CORRECTION: The graph and data actually shows that Sarah Palin’s net approval rating went from over +15% to -10% over the past 2 weeks]:

Maybe it was those incredible interviews she did this week?
See Also: Palin’s Favorables Slip To – 10, The Palin-Couric interview, 9/28 Daily Kos R2K Tracking Poll: Obama 50, McCain 43, SNL Spoofs Palin/Couric Interview, Video: Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Being Interviewed By Katie Couric on SNL, Not My Gal, No Lifeline For Sarah Palin, The Palin Pick, four weeks in: voters, fluency, funnies & the next debate, and Sarah Palin is Totally Unqualified.
[tags]Sarah Palin, favorability ratings, sara palin, favorables, approval rating, polls, election 2008, conservatives, least popular, interviews, intelligence, voters, electoral college, map, sarah palen, vice president, governor of alaska[/tags]
Sarah Palin is the most ridiculous V.P. candidate since Dan Quail. With McCain’s age and health issues, it gives a heart beat away from the Presidency a whole new meaning. Think people! Do we really need someone like Sarah Palin as President? The country has enough trouble now having dealt with the George Bush adminastration. I can’t imagine how bad her being president would be. PLEASE! Think long and hard when you go to vote.
The lead in to your first paragraph is misleading. She has a -10% NET favorability rating, which is still bad, but very different from a 10% favorability rating.
Yar… I fucked it up.
True, it be a fuck up, but she’s still the least liked of the candidates.
I think what intelligent voters are seeing is that Palin is not only inexperienced, uneducated, and incredibly uncurious about the world around her. These things COULD be corrected. I think it’s now becoming clear that Palin has extremely poor MORALS. Troopergate. Librarian. Constant sarcasm. Seemingly heartless (rape victims paying for their own investigations; her reaction at the VP debate when Biden teared up; shooting wolves from planes???) Inciting division and perhaps violence at rallies when the country desperately needs to get together on critical issues. Dogma without information. Willing to take on a job for which she is supremely UNQUALIFIED “without blinking” – in other words, a complete lack of wisdom and good judgment. On and on it goes. It’s hard to believe that the Republican base is naive enough to believe that this is a solid, grounded person of good values. Republicans have always stood for morals and values – it’s shocking to me that some of them have fallen for her lines. I’m starting to think that if a monkey went on the podium and said “country first”, some of these hard-core repubs would vote for it. Most Republicans, however, are thinking people who are having a difficult time with this Palin issue (even if they are not saying it aloud). These are the ones who will consider the real issues at stake at this critical time instead of touting the party line. I have to say that I have the utmost respect for these Repubs.
Quail??? Nice spelling, Brenda. I bet you made fun of QUAYLE when he misspelled ‘potato’ (he stuck an ‘e’ on the end).
Yeah, the present GOD has a ton of experience….and its showing…..
Enough with the experience crap. As LITTLE as she had, she had a SHEETLOAD more the his highness.
really good post…
really good share…
Ryan Trapalis…
Approximately I don’t read feature after which blogs….