1984: An Instruction Manual For Today?

1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.
1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.
Doubt that this little girl understands the poster she’s holding, but it does provide for hours of pondering what kind of cookies the military would make to acquire weapons.
In between swapping his iconic sweater vest for skin while sunbathing in Puerto Rico last week, GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum added even more divisive rhetoric to his belt when he made the rather factually flawed remark that if the island commonwealth wanted statehood, it must “like any other state…[comply] with this and any other federal law… that English has to be the principal language.”
Unsurprisingly, Republican Puerto Ricans rejected Santorum and his proposals when they took to the polling stations and voted instead for Mitt Romney, who recently cranked out a TV advertisement en español that featured Governor Luis Fortuno.
If Newt can have several marriages, gay people should at least be allowed one.