58 Years Of US Intervention In Iran
Posted on March 31, 2011 in Articles

For a detailed list, here’s a timeline of US involvement in Iran from St. Peace:
- 1953 – Under orders from President Eisenhower, the CIA organized a military coup that overthrew Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh. Britain, unhappy that Iran nationalized its oil industry, came up with the idea for the coup and pressed the United States to mount a joint operation to remove Mossadeqh.
For years, the U.S. denied its involvement in the 1953 coup, but in March 2000, then Secretary of State Madeline Albright admitted, “In 1953 the United States played a significant role in orchestrating the overthrow of Iran’s popular Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadeqh. The Eisenhower Administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons; but the coup was clearly a setback for Iran’s political development. And it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs.”
- 1953 to 1979 – Following the coup, the U.S installed Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi , and the thriving democracy that existed in Iran was crushed. The Shah led 25 years of tyrannical rule (supported by the CIA) that resulted in the killing of thousands of Iranians who opposed the U.S. puppet government. On the economic front, the Shah denationalized Iran’s oil industry, 60% of which went to American firms.
- 1979 – U.S.-backed Shah of Iran forced to leave the country after widespread demonstrations and strikes. Islamic religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini returns from exile and takes effective power. Sixty-six hostages taken by students at the U.S. embassy in Tehran. The students justified taking the hostages as retaliation for the admission of the Shah into the U.S., and demanded the Shah be returned to Iran for a trial. The new Iranian regime believed the Shah was in the U.S. so that the U.S. could carry out another coup d’etat in Iran; the U.S. claimed he had come there only to seek medical attention. The Shah was given refuge and Iranians demanded his extradition to Iran to face justice. The U.S. rejected Iran’s request and the hostage taking ensued.
- 1980 – Iraq invades neighboring Iran with the approval and the assistance of the United States. The war lasts eight years and kills hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Iranians. Secret U.S. military mission to rescue hostages in Iran ends in disaster in sandstorm in central Iranian desert. Exiled Shah dies of cancer in Egypt, but hostage crisis continues. Iran suffered heavy casualties from Saddam’s chemical weapons, most of which were provided by the U.S.
- 1981 – Last 52 U.S. hostages freed in January after intense diplomatic activity. Their release comes a few hours after U.S. President Jimmy Carter leaves office. They had been held for 444 days.
- 1982 to 1983 – As Iranian forces gained the upper hand on the battlefield with Iraq, the U.S. launched another covert operation to arm and aid Saddam. It began clandestinely to supply Saddam with satellite intelligence on Iran’s deployments. Weapons were also sent via CIA fronts in Chile and Saudi Arabia directly to Baghdad. Between 1986 and 1989, some seventy-three transactions took place that included bacterial cultures to make weapons-grade anthrax, advanced computers, and equipment to repair jet engines and rockets.
- 1985 to 1986 – Iran-Contra Affair: U.S. holds secret talks with Iran and makes weapons shipments, allegedly in exchange for Iranian assistance in releasing U.S. hostages in Lebanon. With revelations that profits were illegally channeled to Nicaraguan rebels, this creates the biggest crisis of Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
- 1987 – Following the mining of a U.S. Navy frigate, U.S. forces engage in series of encounters with Iranian naval forces, including strikes on Gulf oil platforms. The engagement was code named “Operation Praying Mantis”. The battle, the largest between surface forces since World War II, sank two Iranian warships and as many as six armed speedboats.
- 1988 – On patrol in the Persian Gulf, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian passenger jet that it had mistaken for a hostile Iranian fighter aircraft. U.S. Navy Captain Will C. Rogers III ordered a single missile fired from his warship, which hit its target and killed all 290 people aboard the commercial Airbus.
- 1995 – President Clinton imposes oil and trade sanctions on Iran for alleged sponsorship of “terrorism”, seeking to acquire nuclear arms and hostility to the Middle East peace process.
- 2002 to 2003 – U.S. President George W Bush, in his State of the Union address, describes Iran as part of an “axis of evil”. The U.S. accuses Iran of seeking to develop a secret nuclear weapons program and refuses to rule out the “military option” in dealing with Iran.
- 2005 – 2006 – The United States is openly attempting to “promote democracy” in Iran by budgeting $3 million for various Iranian groups. Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations called the plan “a clear violation” of a 1981 U.S-Iranian agreement in which the U.S. pledged “not to intervene directly or indirectly, politically or militarily in Iran’s internal affairs.”
Long story short: they don’t hate us for our freedom, they hate us for destroying theirs.
Wow that really does make a lot of sense dude. Wow.
Thanks For sharing information with us. It’s Really nice post, thanks again
Sad story. good luck
They should realize their own situation rather than intervention in Iran.
If you’re wondering, read Iran – Empire of the Mind by Michael Axworthy, great book on the history of the country. You’ll realise US intervention started waaaaay earlier. One of the first proper Ministers of Foreign Affairs was an American, about 200 years ago…
thanks for a great video!
[…] Source:http://www.prosebeforehos.com/international-relations/03/31/58-years-of-us-intervention-in-iran/ […]
The history leaves out some crucial bits of fact. For example, the US did more than provide targetting intelligence — it provided the intelligence for the deployment of chemical weapons. In fact, the US removed Saddam’s Iraq from the State Departments list of terrorist nations in 1983 so as to ease the transfer of “dual use” technology that was used to make and deploy chemical weapons, and the financing for Saddam to purchase weapons from 3rd countries.
Also, the VIncennes was inside Iranian territorial waters when it shot down the Iranian airbus, a fact that the US Navy covered up for 4 years by claiming that it was acting in “self-defense” and in international waters (indeed, the Airbus was shot down inside Iranian airspace, and crashed into Iranian waters too.)
Also Iran took the US to the international court in the Hague over the Preying Mantis operation…and won. THe court ruled that the US had acted illegally in shooting up Iranian oil platforms.
One more fact missing: It was Iran that exposed Saddam use of chemical weapons in the massacre of Iraqi kurds in the village of Halabja. Iran had repeatedly tried to raise the issue of Saddam’s use of chemical weapons at the UN Security Council. The US instructed its diplomats to press for “no movement” on Iran’s efforts. And instead of condemning Iraq, the US told its diplomatic officers to try to shift the blame for the Halabja massacre off of Saddam and onto Iran. You can still see videos of Saddam shaking hands with our former Sec of Defense Rumsfeld on youtube. More than 60,000 Iranian were killed as a result of Iraqi chemical weapons use alone — that’s 20 times the number of 9/11 dead.
Thanks for the info. However, for a balanced view, I suggest reading Elton Daniel’s “A History of Iran,” which reveals Mossadegh’s transition from a popular leader after nationalizing the oil, to a virtual monarch whom everyone but the communists wanted to get rid of (they admired him for taking the oil away from the Brits). Criticism of M. grew to where he used very UNDEMOCRATIC means to obtain a vote of confidence–police surveillance of voters & no secret ballot. We simply gave $ to one faction of malcontents, who evicted the intellectual Mr. M. from office.
True story.
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