No Black Anti-White Marxists In The White House!

Racist placards placed adjacent to polling places in Pennsylvania [via Marc Ambinder]:
I live in the Lehigh Valley region, near Bethlehem, PA. This morning I woke up to find these “League of American Patriots” all over the neighborhood.. Whoever sent these things must have done it in the early morning hours because we had a light rain last night.
The posters say:
“Black ruled nations are among the most violent, unstable nations in the world.”/blockquote>
“Do you really want an anti-White President?”
See Also: The Family Values Party, Exhuming McCarthy: Joe the Plumber Questions Obama’s Loyalty to America, The Joshua Moment? Race and the ’08 Election, Woohoo — more proof that not ALL GOPers are knuckleheads, The Bradley Effect, and The Reverse Bradley Effect?
[tags]racist posters, racism, racism against barack obama, image, poster, picture, photograph, Pennsylvania, barack obama, democrats, racists, rednecks, black to be president, marxist to be president, anti-white, league of american patriots[/tags]
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