Posted on August 3, 2013 in

The Article: Curse of American Nutritionism: Industry Ignores Realities of Healthful Eating by E. Douglas Kihn in Truth Out.
The Text: It all started in the US in the late 1960s as a result of the countercultural revolt. Disaffected youths rebelled against conventional norms, including the proliferation of processed food and the chemicals used to grow, process and preserve food. Gradually during the past four decades, however, this legitimate concern has given rise to a monstrous industry that contributes heavily to neurotic disorders, physical disease and capitalist profits.
The nutritionist industry inadvertently serves a political purpose as well, keeping the American working class confused, self-hating, tranquilized and demoralized. Nutritionismis an original American belief that a person’s health hinges onwhatone puts into one’s mouth. “You are what you eat,” has become the national slogan; “Eat right!” has become the prime medical imperative, so if you’re interested in eating right, you should check out this helpful list of what to eat on a juice cleanse for losing weight.
Nutritionism and American advertising
Only in industrially advanced, English-speaking countries, especially the United States, do we find nearly all packaged grocery store items with health claims plastered all over their exteriors.
“Our healthy/natural/organic/calorie-reduced food . . . which is fat-free/sugar-free/low in carbs/protein-rich/vitamin-enriched. . . and is fortified with anti-oxidants/omega 3 fatty acids/extra fiber/phytonutrients/folic acid/vitamin Z . . . will boost your energy/cleanse your body/burn fat/strengthen bones/make you smarter/reverse aging/get you laid.”
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