Posted on March 30, 2014 in

The Article: “Lean In” Guru Sheryl Sandberg Wants to Ban the Word Bossy… As If there Weren’t Larger Problems to Address by Tiny Dupuy in AlterNet.
The Text: “Lean In” Author and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s campaign to cheer young girls to participate launched last week. Sandberg claims little boys get called leaders and for the same behavior little girls are branded as bossy. “Together we can encourage girls to lead. Pledge to Ban Bossy,” reads the site.
It’s only a word that’s keeping women from leadership?
What happens the first time these imagined little girls get called something truly awful? “You know, some people think of you as an inspiring female attorney and mother. Other people think of you as the overbearing yuppie wife from hell. How would you describe yourself?” That’s what a reporter asked Hillary Clinton—when she wasn’t actually running for office—on the campaign trail in 1992. Bossy is one of the nicer things Hillary gets called.
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