Meet Fiscal Cliff Huxtable

Conflating two completely disparate topics into one surprisingly entertaining meme. Nothing says looming fiscal crises like Cosby Show jokes.
Conflating two completely disparate topics into one surprisingly entertaining meme. Nothing says looming fiscal crises like Cosby Show jokes.
The Article: Another Guantánamo prisoner death highlights Democrats’ hypocrisy by Glenn Greenwald in The Guardian.
The Text: A detainee at Guantánamo was found dead in his cell on Saturday, according to camp officials. He is the ninth person to die at the camp since it was opened more than ten years ago. As former Gitmo guard Brandon Neely pointed out Monday, more detainees have died at the camp (nine) than have been convicted of wrongdoing by its military commissions (six). This is the fourth detainee who has died at the camp since Obama’s inauguration.
Although the detainee’s identity has not been disclosed, a camp spokesman acknowledged that he “had not been charged and had not been designated for prosecution”. In other words, he has been kept by the US government in a cage for many years without any opportunity to contest the accusations against him, and had no hope of leaving the camp except by death.
Indeed, dying in due process-free captivity now appears to be the only way for many of these detainees to leave. The last person to leave the camp via death was a 48-year-old Afghan citizen, Awal Gul, who died in February 2011 of an apparent heart attack. Gul, the father of 18 children, was accused by the US of being a Taliban commander – a charge he vehemently denied because, as his lawyer put it, “he was disgusted by the Taliban’s growing penchant for corruption and abuse.” But the due process-free indefinite detention policy still in place at the camp meant that those conflicting claims were never resolved, and he died after more than nine years in captivity – thousands of miles from his family, in the middle of a foreign ocean – despite never having been convicted of anything.
Maybe the end of the world actually is nigh. Apparently Osama and Obama’s hands are eerily similar given the fact that they both contain fingers and flesh.
The Article: Assange mocks Obama via video at U.N. event in Reuters.
The Text: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, speaking via a choppy video feed from his virtual house arrest in London, lashed out at U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday for supporting freedom of speech in the Middle East while simultaneously “persecuting” his organization for leaking diplomatic cables.
Assange, who has been holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy since June to avoid extradition, made the comments at a packed event on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.
Assange mocked Obama for defending free speech in the Arab world in an address to the United Nations on Tuesday, pointing to his own experience as evidence that Obama has “done more to criminalize free speech than any other U.S. president.”
Screw Benghazi and the fiscal cliff–the former director of the CIA has SEX and it’s not even with his wife. Americans clearly have their priorities straight, and, well, so does the Internet.