The Truth About The Founding Fathers & Christianity
Posted on August 24, 2012 in Political Cartoons

The Founding Fathers of the United States weren’t very Christian after all.
The Founding Fathers of the United States weren’t very Christian after all.
actually the treaty of tripoli was signed by John adams not George washington
i find it funny, that some have to resort in twisting the facts , truth is we do not have to twist anything, the truth serves us far better than twisting the truth to suit a need . keep to the facts the history of the Abrahamic religions show they are the twisters , we do not need to stoop to their levels
It should be no surprise. A religion founded upon lies will continue to lie and attract more liars.
I call bullshit on your bullshit
An enlightening, engaging, and long overdue correction of the falsehood that Washington lacked faith. –Rodney Stark, Baylor University
Dr. Lillback burries the myth that Washington was an unbeliever – at most a “deist” – under an avalanche of facts –Robert P. George, Princeton University