Jason Read On Successful Parasites In A Capitalist Economy
Posted on February 19, 2012 in Images

Jason Read provides an illuminating quote on the true parasites in a capitalist economy:
People who dismiss the unemployed and dependent as “parasites” fail to understand economics and parasitism. A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by it’s host, one that can make it’s host work for it without appearing as a burden. Such is the ruling class in a capitalist society.
Enjoy this Jason Read quote on the parasites in capitalism? Then be sure to check out great critiques of capitalism on ProseBeforeHos.
Thanks for sharing. By the way, it’s “its”, not “it’s”.
Good day
Not to be anal about this Jasmine but the possessive of it is in fact its.
it is, is contracted as it’s
Not to be anal about this Jazzper but the possessive of it is in fact its.
it is, is contracted as it’s
I post this quote constantly on the threads…….here’s a few more in the same vain…
“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.”-Plutarch,a Greek Historian.
“Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours its own kind,for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor”-Thomas Jefferson
“Once you realize that trickle down economics doesn’t work,you will see the excessive tax cuts for the rich as what they are–a simple upward redistribution of income,rather than a way to make all of us richer,as we were told”–Ha-Joon Chang(Faculity of Economics,University of Cambridge)
If Thomas Jefferson actually did say that, then I have lost a great deal of respect for his intellectual rigour. Only a moments consideration should reveal that there are a great many animals which devour their own kind – not just ‘symbolically’ either.
Ha-Joon Chang’s argument is also obviously flawed. A tax cut does not redistribute income upwards it merely slows the downward flow. If the rich received tax money from the poor that would be an upward flow. Chang’s ideology is clouding his grasp on basic logic.
A civilised society has a moral obligation to provide for its most vulnerable (indeed for all of it’s members), but churning out sentimental fluff does little more than encourage the expectations of those who just want stuff for free.
The filthy rich claim they pay 40% of the taxes (a lie)…but the top 1% posses 95% of the wealth…they owe 55% more taxes
Tax the rich and feed the poor..don’t feed the poor to the rich
Its redistributed to the immoral bloated wealthly through tax breaks, INCENTIVES, SUBSIDIES and LOOP-HOLES
Since Roastin’ Ronnie’s dementia the top 2% income has increased 280+%
In that same time period the middle class income has increased a whole 17%. The working poors income rose a HUGE 11%
We are gonna put the Capitalistic Kings in a GULAG.
Liz Warren is gonna put bankers in jail…JPMorgan was just fined yesterday 13 billion dollars
We are gonna slit the throat of corporate fascist. We are gonna tap their veins and use their rich bitch blood to fuel our socialistic society
“A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by it’s host, one that can make it’s host work for it without appearing as a burden.”
– Bollocks! A successful parasite is one that can remain with its host for as long as it needs to and can employ many strategies to achieve this – stealth is merely one strategy, being powerless to remove them another.
“The rich are parasites” mantra is a strawman argument which is easily digested by the lazy and hard of thinking, but can be dismissed with only a moments sound reasoning.
To maintain this pretence that the ruling class is parasitical, one would have to establish a case that the ruling classes (if they can even be defined) offer a society no benefit. There is no country recorded in history that has survived without leaders and indeed within any group of any size a leadership hierarchy (officially recognised of otherwise) is one of the first things established. It appears to be a very human need to have individuals to take governance of the group and take blame for the group failings. For as long as we blame others we fail to take responsibility for ourselves. And for as long as people need to defer their responsibility, to others, we will need leaders.
If the unemployed or other dependants (on an individual by individual basis) can be demonstrated to offer no benefit to a society, then they can indeed be described as parasites.
“People who dismiss the unemployed and dependent as “parasites” fail to understand economics and parasitism” – Based on his lazy string of logical fallacies, Jason clearly doesn’t understand economics or parasitism.
This chap may be a philosophy professor, but an economist or a biologist he is certainly not.