Stephen Fry On Racism

The eloquent Briton digs into Nazi Germany and the language used for Jews to illustrate the persistent power of words, and what we might learn in the process.


McDonald’s Life Advice To Employees

Lowly peons of McDonald’s, breathe easy: your company cares. Even though they pay you $7.25 an hour, which for a standard family of four confines you to poverty, the compassionate corporation wants you to know that it’s vital that you take at least two vacations a year. Also, when bill collectors begin pounding at your door, McDonald’s recommends singing a song; it apparently helps alleviate stress. And hey, singing is cheaper than them paying you a living wage.


Matt Damon On Civil ‘Obedience’

While Damon is the brunt of a good number of jokes, his thoughts on what plagues Americans–civil obedience to the powers that be, as opposed to civil disobedience–are worth a listen.


Student Makes Clear Exactly What Is Wrong With The US Education System

Common Core standards were meant to serve as a bridge between the affluent and underprivileged, but with the inordinate amount of focus on testing, the gap has only widened. This Tennessee student takes the issue to task.


An Incredibly Necessary Thanksgiving History Lesson

While you feast on turkey, potatoes and gravy, feed your brain with some vital knowledge on the sordid history of this so-called day of ‘thanks’.


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