JFK’s Famous “We Choose To Go To The Moon” Speech

Exactly 50 years ago today, the young president was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. While theories regarding his death are as vast as they are off the wall, one thing cannot be debated: he was a masterful orator and ushered in a new wave of scientific innovation. For more on JFK, be sure to visit our gallery on the president.


Toronto Mayor Plows Into Council Member

We can’t get enough of the crack-smokin’ maverick today. 10 bucks says this is the most cardio Ford has gotten in months.


If The NSA Was A Person

Seems like an asshole, is an asshole.


Basic Income, A New Human Right

One way to eliminate poverty and reduce the size of the welfare state in an economy that generates few jobs while garnering massive amounts of rights? A guaranteed basic income.


Bernie Sanders On Our Climate Catastrophe

As the number of climate change deniers and the effects of anthropogenic climate change continue to rise, it’s time for true, marked action to combat both. Bernie Sanders talks on what’s at stake.


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