God-Jesus And The Cyberama Seven

This is real… no… seriously:
What few people know, though, is that this was a tie-in to God-Jesus and the Cyberama Seven, in which the second coming was a robot, and the cybertronic savior did battle with various flying killer tortoises and huge insects and resurrected dinosaurs, all of whom were trying to plant fossils in the ground to muck with the heads of scientists and make them think the Earth was older than six thousand years. An animated show, it ran only three episodes and aired only once. But goddamn, it was amazing. No pun intended.
Apparently God will bless you with consumer goods and Godzilla-like battles for your Lord and Savior to triumph over. Also, I did what I could to find a video of this magnificent show but as of yet, no luck…
[tags]tv-god, jesus-god, Japanese tv show, television show, toy, robot, jesus robot, god-jesus, toy robot[/tags]